What is MeToo?
The phrase was popularised by American Actress Alyssa Milano. She encouraged victims of sexual harassment to tweet about it so it would “give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.”
Many high-profile celebrities have endorsed the #MeToo movement including Jennifer Lawrence, Uma Thurman and Gwyneth Paltrow.
It went on to inspire the Times Up organisation – a non-profit organization that raised money to support victims of sexual harassment.
The #MeToo movement has gone global and impacted millions of lives around the world. In some places the change may be slower than in others, however, the change is here to stay.
The #MeToo movement is a social movement that raises awareness of sexual abuse, harassment, and rape culture. It’s a survivor-led movement that aims to create pathways for healing, justice, and action.
How it started
- Tarana Burke, a sexual assault survivor and activist, first used the phrase “Me Too” in 2006 on Myspace.
- The movement gained momentum in 2017 after actress Alyssa Milano tweeted “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet”.
- The movement gained international attention after news reports of sexual abuse by film producer Harvey Weinstein.
What it’s achieved
- The movement has raised awareness of the prevalence of sexual abuse and harassment.
- It has led to cultural and workplace changes, including the introduction of regulations and reforms.
- It has empowered survivors through solidarity and strength in numbers.
- It has led to inquiries into the prevalence of sexual harassment in governments around the world.
- It has led to renewed efforts to seek justice for survivors through criminal and civil court systems.
What it’s working towards
- Building a community of advocates and allies
- Disrupting systems that allow sexual violence to proliferate
- Ensuring accountability on the part of perpetrators
- Implementing strategies to sustain long term, systemic change

#MeToo in France
The MeToo in France campaign has picked up momentum following the viral campaign from Hollywood.
#MeToo in Bollywood
The MeToo in Bollywood has shaken up the sordid male-dominated industry and is making real changes for female leads and aspiring actors.