Eurostar Chaos this morning as more than 800 passengers were stuck on a trapped in Channel Tunnel for…
Kawéni shantytown, Mayotte, December 19, 2024. MORGAN FACHE FOR THE WORLD How many people will France mourn on…
People standing in front of the Paris special criminal court, on December 20, 2024, ahead of the verdict…
Infant sleep is multiphasic, with many naps over 24 hours, before gradually becoming predominantly nocturnal from 4 to…
Ireland ranks highest of 14 EU countries for education but lowest for logistics capacity Ireland ranks highest of…
The former PM said Trump’s claims were designed to ‘shock Europeans into action’ Boris Johnson attacks Trump over…
Permanent controls at the Schengen borders. The denial of entry to people seeking asylum at the German border…
The Minister of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat, Alicia Romero, presented on Wednesday the Cluster of Serveis…
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