Browsing: Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness is our passion, our love, and part of our lifestyle. Since there is so much overlap in this we have populated the articles and guides in a way that is beneficial to you, to optimise your reading time, not your scrolling time.

Designed to provide information on all things that matter to communities. Such as Health matters; like pharmacies, medical news, and generally healthier lifestyle options.

As well as the financial aspects of life and guides and examples of how to make improvements to improve your lifestyle.

Fitness for life by WTX News - it is a way of life!
Fitness for Life by WTX News – it is a way of life!

The bread shortage has hit Sudan’s cities for the past three weeks, including the capital.

In the past year, the cost of some commodities has more than doubled in Sudan, where inflation is running at close to 70 percent and the pound has plunged in value.

Sporadic protests broke out in January this year over the rising cost of food, but they were soon brought under control with the arrest of opposition leaders and activists.