Party-goers didn’t even realise the crash happened at first.
Author: WTX News Editor
‘The acids in tuna, salmon, and sardines will give your body a vast increase of dopamine and increase blood flow.’
One said he’d like to be with his brother and the other said he didn’t.
French students won’t get past the door if they show up for school wearing long robes, President Emmanuel Macron made clear Friday, saying authorities would be “intractable” in enforcing a new rule when classes resume next week.
Sam Hayward, 39, had already begun eating his mushroom noodle soup before he spotted something moving at the bottom.
Elementor #547684 September 3, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today The Observer – Whistleblower reveals culture of complacency on school safety The Observer’s lead focuses on the issue of defective concrete which has dominated the news since schools began to return at the end of last week. The paper has an exclusive interview with a “senior civil service whistleblower” who has told the paper that Tory ministers and their advisers were…
Elementor #547677 September 3, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today The Sunday Times – Asbestos fears in crumbling buildings The Sunday Times front page focuses on the concrete issue, tying it to its own campaign for the phased removal of asbestos from schools and hospitals. It reports “scores of public buildings caught up in the crumbing concrete crisis are also likely to be riddled with deadly asbestos”. The paper has some…
Elementor #547665 September 3, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today Sunday Mirror – MoD hit by hackers “MoD hit by hackers” reads the headline on the front of the Sunday Mirror, with an exclusive about Russian hackers accessing details about “security at Britain’s nuclear weapons base. It describes it as a “major breach” with affected sites including a chemical weapon lab and nuclear submarine base. It says details of the hack…
Elementor #547653 September 3, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today The Sun on Sunday – Danny Cipriani: Kelly cheated on Thom with me The Sun on Sunday leads on a celebrity “exclusive”. The paper reports that rugby star Danny Cipriani’s “bombshell book” says Keylly Brooke cheated on her boyfriend Thom Evans by going on a date with him. The front page also reports on how Mohammed Al-Fayed, who died on Wednesday,…
With heatwaves destroying crops in Libya and Jordan, farmers and refugees are finding hope in a popular new farming technique.
Women might have been the butt of the joke with ‘girl math’, but it’s men who spend more on group holidays.
Belle doesn’t care what you think.
It’s the tech giant’s birthday.
‘While he’s a little smaller than most one-year-olds, he is catching up quite fast.’
The weather event is likely to continue through winter into next year.
The Finnish Border Control says Digital Travel Credentials are “equally reliable” as a physical passport.
Will Oliver and Amelia finally be dethroned?
Get ready for a new week.
‘It may be difficult to ignore feelings of restlessness and an urge to get away from it all.’
A reader laments the closure of Saints Row developer Volition and the loss of one of the few games that could rival GTA.
The former WWE Champion is gone from the company.
‘They never looked like scoring a goal!’
‘I discovered a folder containing photos of a woman (some of which were quite pornographic).’
‘When it’s done, it’s done.’
Cheers to that.