In recent days Sicily, police officers showed up at Palermo hospitals asking for information on possible visits – for visits or hospitalisations – of the fifteen people.
The list opens with Bonafede Andrea, born in 1963, from Campobello di Mazzara; continues, with Giglio Giuseppe, not yet clearly identified; followed by Accardo Vito and Bono Gaspare, also from Campobello di Mazara, like all the others.
His main alias was Andrea Bonafede, but he also used the documents and driving licenses of other people, who are now being investigated.
Messina Denaro, the circle is tightening on 15 people: in the boss’ hideout, their identity cards

Il suo alias principale era Andrea Bonafede, ma utilizzava anche i documenti e le patenti di altre persone, su cui adesso si indaga