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The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe.

The EU is different from Europe in two ways first; not all European countries are part of the EU and secondly, Europe is a continent defined by landmass and location, not by a membership or union.

Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km² and an estimated total population of about 447 million.

Founded: 1 November 1993, Maastricht, Netherlands
Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium
Government debt: 80.4% of GDP (2022) Eurostat

EU news

EU news from WTX is important for the very reason because a lot of other organizations will have you believe that the EU is Europe and thus ignore news from certain countries or perhaps not provide them with the significance they deserve.
Because the EU is a membership, naturally, it will give more significance and importance to the member states. In reality, however, due to the way the landmass is, it is impossible for the EU to ignore the non-member states of the continent of Europe.
Take for example the extra privilege and provisions made for Switzerland. The country is centrally located, so the EU made special provisions whilst accounting for the independence the Swiss desire.

EU-UK News – Brexit

Compare that to the fallout from Brexit. Because the UK is not physically connected to the European continent, its importance is less significant, as if it was based between Germany and France.
This is evident in the long and lethargic Brexit negotiations which are still going on. And during these negotiations, Ireland, is the key focal point of the discussions, because of its geographical location to the UK and its EU membership.
The Irish conundrum is often described as being struck between a rock and hard place.
There is as well a little ‘sour grapes’ by the EU and perhaps particularly from the French, who were more than perturbed by the Uk leaving the EU. That is, however, a little more speculative.
This is why the geography of the continent of Europe and the European Union matter.

Latest EU news today

We have barely scratched the tip of the iceberg regarding EU news and the EU itself. However, we pride ourselves on objectivity and transparency, in delivering you content that matters without bias and prejudice.

WTX News is the only place where you get all the news not just a part of it.

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