Christmas arrived an hour ago, but no one noticed in Vicolo San Giliberto, in the heart of Ballarò. Two girls with hoodies on their heads argue with a young black man, they want their money back.
Christmas night among the crack addicts
A gentleman in his fifties laughs, a young man wearing only a short-sleeved t-shirt slips into an abandoned house, another has just left and is now wandering with his eyes lost in space in front of the Church of the Madonna. Hope is dying in Palermo where drugs and poverty have taken control.
If you travel among the invisible people who wander among the stalls of Ballarò and consume drugs on the street. They have now moved to the area controlled by the Nigerian gangs. Two boys on scooters act as lookouts as they conduct business on the streets of Italy.
Italian News – Christmas night among the crack addicts. A mother’s scream: “Hope is dying in Palermo”
Viaggio fra gli invisibili che si aggirano fra le bancarelle di Ballarò, consumano la droga in strada. Si sono ormai spostati nella zona controllata dai clan.