There has been a series of racist incidents at recent football matches in Italy
Author: WTX News Editor
“Grief can change your outlook. You don’t forget the shock and sadness or pain, but I do not believe grief changes who you are.
Zahran Hashim has been killed in a hotel attack in Colombo
Ian Rush in Karachi, Pakistan
landslide in northern Myanmar engulfed jade miners while they were sleeping, the latest deadly accident in a notoriously dangerous industry.
For the past three years, British PM Theresa May has travelled all over the world to make post Brexit deals
In 2015, Kosovo adopted a law making fighting in foreign conflicts punishable by up to 15 years in jail.
Mandarin Oriental reopens after £100 million renovation
Airforce spokesperson Group Captain Gihan Seneviratne said the IED was believed to be locally manufactured.
With the Indian elections, underway anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan messages have dominated news cycles.
Until this issue is resolved Paris remains unsafe on the weekends, for tourists and local residents.
Extinction Rebellion: Latest fro the Climate Change protests in London
An 18-year-old woman who died after being set on fire for refusing to drop sexual harassment charges against her Islamic school’s principal. Nusrat Jahan Rafi told her family she was lured to the roof of her rural school in the town of Feni on April 6 and asked to withdraw the charges by five people clad in burqas. When she refused, she said her hands were tied and she was doused in kerosene and set…
Police have blamed a group called the New IRA for the flare-up in violence in recent months.
Baluchistan has seen an uprising by a small extremists group who backed by Indian authorities
Indonesia is the world’s third largest democracy is hosting the most complex of elections
A bus carrying German tourists plunged off a road and overturned on the Portuguese island of Madeira
Peru’s ex-president Alan Garcia has died after shooting himself as police arrived to arrest him in a bribery probe, law enforcement sources say.
#Thunderstorms in #India killing 50 people – struck by lightning #ClimateChange
On Monday tents littered the roads at Oxford Circus with some activists huddled beneath a pink boat with the words “Tell the Truth”
Rasmus Paludan is a lawyer who has been linked with the Dutch Far-Right group led by Geert Wilders
A special humanitarian achievement in return for a bailout?
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Russian S400 defence missile system is preferred to the US Patriot missile system, because it superior