Author: UK News

British girl, 13, abducted by Hamas is confirmed dead A British teenager abducted by Hamas militants in Gaza has been confirmed dead by her family, it was reported. Yahel, 13, was taken from Kibbutz Be’eri, in southern Israel, and across the border into the besieged territory on October 7 when her home turned into the scene of a massacre. She is the seventh confirmed casualty from the UK to have died in the conflict, the BBC reported. Her mum Lianne, who is British and was born in Bristol, was also murdered, while her sister Noiya, 16, and her dad Eli…

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Peter Bone: Tory MP facing suspension after bullying probe Tory MP Peter Bone is facing suspension for six weeks after Parliament’s behaviour watchdog made the recommendation. The recommendation follows complaints of bullying and sexual misconduct made to the body by a former member of his Westminster Office over alleged behaviour in 2012 and 2013. The House of Commons will now vote on the suspension. If the Commons votes to suspend Bone it would trigger a recall petition that could potentially lead to a by-election in Bone’s Wellingborough seat. The complaint was made to the watchdog in October 2021 with a…

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Paper Talk: A million try to flee as Gaza invasion looms Today’s news summary – Paper Talk Monday’s newspapers continue their coverage of the deteriorating situation in the Middle East as Gaza civilians attempt to flee whilst Israel prepares for a full-scale ground invasion and Gaza hospitals warn they will soon run out of power. ‘Fury and Fear’ The Sun says “fury and fear” have filled the streets of Israel ahead of a war. Tens of thousands of troops are waiting for the signal to attack the Gaza Strip. The Mirror says “Middle East On The Brink.”  The Times reports…

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Captain Tom’s family say they received death threats and hate mail The family of NHS fundraiser Captain Sir Tom Moore have said they received death threats and hate mail. The daughter of Sir Tom appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored, and said: “There is a forum… they were all discussing how they were going to come and kill us all in our beds.” Hannah Ingram-Moore said her daughter had also received threats by mail. She said the family lived with “an underbelly of hate”. Sir Tom – who raised £38m for the NHS during Covid – wrote several books before his…

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A new report from Media Reform Coalition (MRC) has shown that billionaires have more control of corporate UK media than ever before- and it doesn’t look like change is coming anytime soon. 

Campaign and research group MRC has published its latest report into media ownership in the UK and says three companies control the mass majority of the press landscape. 

The group’s previous analysis was in 2021 and the latest report suggests it has worsened in some areas in the few short years.

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SNP MP Lisa Cameron defects to the Conservatives SNP MP Lisa Cameron has defected from the Scottish National Party to the Conservatives. She was facing a selection contest to remain as the SNP candidate at the next general election. She blamed the “toxic and bullying” culture within the SNP’s Westminster group as the reason for deflecting to the Tories. PM Rishi Sunak and Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross have both welcomed Lisa to the party. Lisa said she had received support from the PM after her mental wellbeing deteriorated in recent weeks, but had no contact from the SNP leadership. …

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Interest rates expected to be held after small economic growth The UK economy grew marginally by 0.2% in August following a sharp fall in July. The latest figures have fuelled expectations that interest rates will be left unchanged again next month. Analysts described the figures as “lacklustre” and said higher borrowing costs and the higher cost of living was weighing on consumers and businesses. Rates were held at 5.25% in September, ending a run of 14 consecutive rises after inflation started to slow. The UK is not currently in recession but there have been concerns over weak growth, with the…

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