Author: UK News

Government outlines plan to crack down on NHS staff strikes The Independent says Rishi Sunak’s government has revealed its plan to crack down on NHS strikes by forcing some doctors and nurses to work during future industrial action. Health secretary Steve Barclay is proposing strict “minimum service level” regulations for urgent and emergency care in hospitals in a bid to stop disruption affecting patients. It follows controversial anti-strike legislation passed in the summer – bitterly opposed by the unions – which gives ministers the power to impose minimum staffing across the public sector.

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Steve Barclay criticises ‘increasing militancy’ of NHS strikes as consultants walk out Sky News says Health Secretary Steve Barclay has criticised the “increasing militancy” and “politically” motivated strikes, and said that is why new legislation to curtail walkouts is being introduced. Mr Barclay was speaking as consultants took industrial action today, with junior doctors set to join them tomorrow in the first joint strike in NHS history. The government is consulting on adding requirements for medical staff to provide minimum service levels during strike days, adding to the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act passed earlier this year. This legislation introduced…

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Chelmsford murder probe: Human remains found at defendant’s home Human remains have been found at a home in Pump Hill, Chelmsford. The remains are believed to be those of a couple, whose daughter is charged with their murder. Police were called to the address in Chelmsford on Wednesday over concerns for the welfare of two people in their 70s, who were missing. Their daughter, Virginia McCullough, 35, appeared before magistrates on Monday accused of murdering John and Lois McCullough between 2018 and 2023. She is due in court again later. Speaking on Monday, Det Supt Rob Kirby said formal identification of…

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Number of English schools with Raac increases to 174 New figures published by the government show the number of schools in England affected by crumbling concrete (RAAC) has increased to 174. The number was 147 as of 30 August but has now increased by 27 as of 14 September. Officials said surveyors have been checking hundreds of schools every week for reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete, known as Raac. The government said it would be updating its list every two weeks.

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1,000 Met Police officers suspended or on restricted duties The Met Police have said more than 1,000 Metropolitan Police officers are currently suspended or on restricted duties as the force attempts to root out rogue cops. The Met has come under serious criticism over the past few years following convictions of former cops David Carrick, a serial rapist and Wayne Couzens, a Met cop who kidnapped, raped and murdered a woman walking home. So far the number of cops affected by the crackdown was almost the size of a small police force, with one in 34 suspended or restricted, according…

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Covid boosters: Over-65s called for jabs as hospital cases rise The over-65s in England are being urged to get their COVID-19 vaccine booster as hospital cases begin to rise. Those eligible can book via the NHS website, on the NHS app, or by calling 119. The booster rollout has been brought forward as a precaution against a highly mutated new Covid variant called BA.2.86. Hospital admissions are up but intensive care admissions remain low. The virus is mutating and changing, but the vaccines still provide good protection against getting very sick with Covid, say experts. Is Covid still a threat?…

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Boris Johnson: Officials discussed raising concerns about former PM to Queen A new BBC documentary series, Laura Kuemssberg: State of Chaos, has revealed shocking allegations that senior government officials spoke to Buckingham Palace at the height of the pandemic to express their concern over Boris Johnson’s conduct in office. Officials had even discussed suggesting to the Queen that she raise the concerns with Boris Johnson during private audiences. The revelations come in episode two of the documentary series, which explores the turmoil and chaos in Westminister and Whitehall over four years. The series features interviews with key players in the…

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Brexit: Labour will seek re-write of deal, Starmer says Sir Keir Starmer has spoken to the Financial Times about Labour’s plans if they win the next general election – expected at some time in 2024. Starmer told the FT that the current Brexit deal, which is due for review in 2025, is “too thin.” Speaking at a conference of centre-left leaders in Canada, Starmer ruled out re-joining the customs unions, the single market or the EU. It’s not clear however if Brussels would even be open to making major changes to the agreement, which was agreed by former PM Boris…

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Liz Truss urges PM to cut taxes and benefit increases Former Prime Minister Liz Truss is set to call on PM Rishi Sunak to cut taxes, reduce benefit increases, raise the retirement age and delay net-zero commitments. In a speech, she will defend her chaotic 44 days in office and the policies she tried to push through. She will also acknowledge she tried to do too much in a short amount of time. Truss, who will speak at an event held by the Institute for Government think tank, will argue that she could not deliver her plans due to the…

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Today’s news summary – Paper Talk  Most of Sunday’s newspapers lead on the explosive allegations against comedian Russell Brand, including rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse. The comedian, came out on social media and denied all the allegations against, as a witch-hunt. The allegations were made in a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, the Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches and relate to a seven-year period at the height of his fame. Having denied the allegations he went on to say his relationships have been “always consensual”. Russell Brand allegations The Sunday Times – part of the investigation team -…

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Father of 10-year-old UK girl Sara Sharif among 3 charged with her murder after Pakistan arrest The Independent says The father, stepmother and uncle of a 10-year-old girl found dead in her U.K. home are due in court on murder charges Friday after being arrested and deported from Pakistan after an extensive police search. Sara Sharif was found dead with extensive injuries at her home in Woking, 20 miles (32 kilometers) southwest of London, on Aug. 10. An autopsy did not establish a cause of death but showed that she had suffered “multiple and extensive injuries, which are likely to…

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Man dies after being mauled by two dogs yards away from primary school The Metro says A man has died after he was mauled by two dogs outside a flat near a primary school. Emergency services rushed to the scene of the attack in the village of Stonnall, Staffordshire, just as children were leaving St Peter’s Primary Academy. An air ambulance, paramedics and officers, including armed police, were called to Main Street shortly before 3.15pm on Thursday. West Midlands Ambulance Service has now confirmed that the victim tragically died of his injuries shortly after arriving at hospital. A 30-year-old man…

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Gatwick flights cancelled after air traffic control staff shortages On Thursday, Gatwick Airport flights were cancelled, delayed or diverted at short notice due to a shortage of air traffic controllers. The airport confirmed 22 cancellations as of 22:00 BST, whilst the website FlightRadar24 said hundreds of flights in and out of the airport were delayed. The National Air Traffic Services (Nats) apologised for its staffing shortages. Normal service is expected to resume on Friday. EasyJet expressed its frustration at the chaos on Thursday, while Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary called on Nats’ boss to resign. Thursday’s cancellations and delays came just…

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Today’s news summary – Paper Talk Friday’s newspapers feature a mix of headlines, with several papers picking up on the latest political news from Westminster.  Labour’s small boat plans The Guardian leads on Sir Keir Starmer’s plans to tackle illegal immigration. The paper says his plans have been criticised by both the left and right. The paper says Labour’s plan to do a deal with the EU prompted a day of bitter exchanges with the PM and home secretary. But there was also some criticism from Labour MPs, who accused Sir Kier of appealing to anti-migrant sentiments. The Daily Express…

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Protests after shocking video shows woman accused of theft ‘strangled’ in shop The Independent says Protests have been held after a shocking video showed a woman accused of theft being ‘strangled’ in a shop. During a clip of the incident, that occurred in Peckham Hair and Cosmetics in Peckham, south-east London on Monday afternoon, a Black woman is seen being restrained by a large man. “Get the f**k off me,” the woman can be heard shouting in a video shot by a fellow customer. “Call the police (…) This man just strangled me”. Police officers were called to the shop…

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What’s the truth about the Peckham shop scuffle? The Spectator says Rye Lane in south London’s Peckham is a lively place day and night, but yesterday evening the atmosphere was distinctly ugly. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside a store to protest about a shopkeeper’s treatment of a customer, who was accused of theft. A viral video, filmed inside Peckham Hair and Cosmetics on Monday, shows why they are angry: a black woman is seen being manhandled by an Asian employee. The circumstances of what unfolded are unclear; some reports suggest the woman was trying to return some items but was…

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Man interviewed by police after video of confrontation at Peckham shop went viral Sky News says A 45-year-old man has been interviewed by police under caution after a video of a confrontation at a shop in Peckham went viral and sparked protests. Video footage of a woman hitting a man with a shopping basket as he appeared to choke her on Monday provoked anger among people in southeast London who objected to the way he had reacted. Demonstrators gathered outside the shop on Tuesday afternoon after the video was shared on social media. The row broke out after the woman…

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Peckham shopkeeper at centre of ‘choking’ row takes refuge from angry demonstrators in secret hideout and hits back at ‘racism’ accusations – as protesters continue to gather outside his shop plastered with angry notes Daily Mail says The shopkeeper at the centre of the ‘throttling’ controversy in his London shop tonight appealed for calm as protesters continued to gather outside his store. Sohail Sindho, 45, spoke to MailOnline at his secret hideout, where he has taken refuge from angry protesters, following the viral video which shows him grappling with a female customer in his Peckham Hair and Cosmetics store. Mr…

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Labour plans anti-terror style crackdown on people trafficking Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer has said people-smuggling should be treated “on a par” with terrorism, ahead of talks about a new security deal with Europe. Sir Keir will seek a provisional agreement with the EU’s policing body, Europol, for any future Labour government. Any deal to return migrants may require accepting migrant quotas from the EU. Sir Keir said: “The government’s failure to tackle the criminal smuggling gangs orchestrating boat crossings is now so profound that I believe it needs to be considered on a par with the other three big security…

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Sara Sharif: Three relatives arrested on suspicion of murder Three relatives of Sara Sharif, 10 – the little girl found dead at her Surrey home in August, have been arrested on murder charges since they returned to the UK from Pakistan. Sara’s father Urfan Sharif, 41, his wife Beinash Batool, 29, and his brother Faisal Malik, 28 were arrested at Gatwick Airport at around 19:45 BST. Police said three people were in custody and would be interviewed. Sara’s body was found at her home in Woking on 10 August. The three adults, who lived with her, left the UK for…

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Met Police: Women arrested at Sarah Everard vigil paid damages The Met Police have paid damages to two women who were arrested at the London vigil for the murdered woman Sarah Everard, in 2021. Patsy Stevenson and Dania Al-Obeid took legal action against the Met over their arrests at the protest during Covid restriction. The law firm representing them said a settlement has been reached and “substantial” damages paid. The Met said they settled because it was “the most appropriate decision, to minimise the ongoing impact on all involved”. In March 2021, hundreds attended the vigil for Sarah Everard, 33.…

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