The Deputy Secretary of Economy of the PP, Juan Bravo, has admitted this Saturday that the communities governed by his party are “autonomous” pear decide whether or not the debt remove proposal raised by the Government, but has insisted that “the condom is not the solution” because, in reality, “nothing is forgiven” and the debt must be paid the same.
In an interview with the ‘Parliament’ program of RNE, Bravo explained that none of his directors has spoken in deprived of the possibility of accepting that remove. Asked if they would understand that any of their territories were accepted that “the autonomous communities, as their name indicates, are autonomous and do what is better”, but, at a time then he has emphasized that “this is not good” for them.
The ‘popular’ leader has defended the position maintained by the communities of the PP in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF), where they bet on “working in a new financing system and a debt restructuring.” “It is the same as María Jesús Montero defended when she was a counselor. The one who has changed has been her. We have been defending the same for years,” he said.
Bravo has drawn attention to the fact that in the document drafted by the Treasury there is only talk of “foronation” in its political part, but that in the rest, which attributes to the “technicians” of the Ministry, there is talk of “absorption.”
“Nothing is condemned here. You can create the confusion that something is forgiven, and the only thing is that it changes from one box to another: the State absorbs the debt of the Autonomous Community, but the Spaniards will continue to continue it as Spanish or Spanish Spanish people,” he said.
In this context, he has asked to act with “responsibility” and not “to purchase of political votes” that, is what, from his point of view, is doing the government with the “independence and separatists” so that Pedro Sánchez will continue in Moncloa and Montero continues as vice president.
Bravo has said that it will have to be the minister, after talking with her partners, which decides if she takes to Congress an organic law to give legal coverage to that Quita, which would require an absolute majority to get ahead, and has made it clear that, if necessary, the PP will vote against.
Asked if you see new budgets closer after Junts withdraw this week the initiative in which he invited Sánchez to undergo a matter of trust and the agreement with ERC on the debt remove, Bravo has been announced, Bravo has indicated that everything will depend on what suits the president.
“Does Sánchez interest that there are budgets or not? If yes, there will be, because he will be able to offer everything and sell everything; and if he is not interested, there will be no,” he summarized. In any case, he believes that the PSOE leader “has already shown that he does not care” to have or not public accounts. “Of seven years that have been management, there have only been three with a budget and the other four, with extensions,” he recalled, emphasizing that in 2019, as he could not approve them, he called elections.
“Five years ago, not so long ago. He has changed his criteria, but hey, it is normal. Felipe González convened elections in the year 96 because they did not support the budgets. He understood that if they did not support them it was because I had no support. I do not know, they are different ways of seeing it,” the PP leader has slipped.
He also recalled that the leader of his party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, offered Sánchez “six pacts to build a government for two years and fix the main problems of this country before calling elections again.” “He decided that no. He would have to know what he wants already wanting to go, right? But I think the thing is getting a little more,” he concluded.
The PP admits that its communities are “autonomous” to take advantage of debt remove