Sony likes to plan ahead (Picture: Sony)
It doesn’t look like Sony is planning a name change for their next console, as they register trademarks for PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, and PS10.
For Microsoft and Nintendo what to name your new console has always been a difficult question. Xbox has never settled on a satisfying formula and for Nintendo there’s a big question as to whether their next machine will be called the Switch 2 or something more unique.
For Sony, though, there is no question. As long as their consoles continue to be as successful as they are it’d be madness to call their next one anything other than the PlayStation 6.
And now they can, without fear of legal complication, as they’ve just registered the names PlayStation 6 through 10 in Japan, to make sure no one else can ever use them.
This doesn’t mean the PlayStation 6 is imminent, as Sony has a long history of registering new console names long before they use them.
According to Gematsu, they registered PlayStation 5 in 2006 and it didn’t come out until 2020 – so these new trademarks don’t mean a surprise early release.
These are obviously only very rough calculations but assuming a seven year gap between the release of each console (which was the length between both the PlayStation 3 and 4, and the PlayStation 4 and 5) then the PlayStation 6 will be out in 2027.
2028 was already predicted by Microsoft in the recent FC court case and indeed you’d expect a year or two to be added to the usual length of a generation, given the supply problems at the start of this one.
Using 2028 as the launch date for the PlayStation 6 you can then expect to see the PlayStation 7 in 2035, the PlayStation 8 in 2042, the PlayStation 9 in 2049, and the PlayStation 10 in the space year 2056.
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Of course, by that point it’s very unlikely that traditional, physical consoles will still exist. At the very least you’d expect everything to be streaming, if not being pumped into your brain or some sort of holodeck.
Let’s just hope the planet makes it that far, although if does we’re willing to bet some thing will still be the same – like games releasing half broken and console warring with the Xbox Series Omega.
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It doesn’t look like Sony is planning a name change for their next console, as they register trademarks for PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, and PS10.Â