Is Musk proposing a new Australia? Has Egypt given up control of the Suez canal with the IMF loan. It has been a busy start to 2025 and despite the distractions of the Christmas period lots of mischievous politicals deals have been in play, that have skipped under the radar (of most news publications) but not ours, and here’s a recap of what you may have missed and an idea of what’s happening in 2025.
A round up of what you missed in 2024
There is a race on in Gaza – The Israeli Genocidal regime has kidnapped the medical director of the last hospital in Gaza and then set it on fire to the hospital so no medical treatment can be provided to the dying Palestinians. It is the perfect way to clear the land, as it means the Palestinians in Gaza must now relocate further to the south in order to get treatment in makeshift tents.
President-elect Trump has shifted the narrative of Israeli hostages, he has told the Palestinian Authority to get the Israeli hostages back, in order to get any kind of consolidatory appeasement in a proposed ceasefire deal.
French Nazi leader Jean Marie Le Pen has died, a convicted xenophobic criminal- he was known as the found of the French BNP and is the father of Marine le Pen, who has since watered down his racist rhetoric to fit it within the realms of what is acceptable in today’s society. The French coined him as “the devil of the Republic”.
Context on the politics of extremism
One thing to note is in all western countries, politicians rarely expel people with extreme views because it benefits the. They use the extremist views of people like Le Pen, Farage and Wilders to make there policies seem so much realistic and rational, think of the how the Tories launched ‘Rwanda flights’ off the back of the ‘Nigel farage Migrant boats’. Without the migrant boats, the Tories would have been crucified by their own people for suggestions such a extreme policy.
Sir Keir Starmer has been avoiding questions and interviews on Gaza during the Christmas period, His PR team have not allowed any interviews that will discuss the genocide in Gaza because of the optics of starving and freezing children and the Christmas spirit. In a way, they have welcomed the distraction of the grooming gangs.
Nigel Farage is transforming his image from a crooked pint pulling thug to – to the alternative to Tommy Robinson. His PR team are busy making him look more Prime MInisterial, have you noticed his news suits? and he won’t be seen smoking or drinking a pint as often anymore.
Geert Wilders is providing advice to Farage and his team and within the EU Wilders and Farage are creating an unofficial alliance to push the Far-right agenda in the Europe.
What’s happening in the world this week
This is the first World news briefing of 2025 and it couldn’t be more significant; From Egypt’s acceptance of an IMF loan which ties up the resources of the Suez Canal to Elon Musk’s warfare in Europe to establish a far-right rule across the European continent. Here is a summary of the news that you must know for 2025.
Mexico is hit hard with US trade-deal
Mexico has traded itself into a corner, Mexico is hit hard with US trade-deal, it is now being forced to accept Monsanto GM corn, which uses glyphosate, which is linked to cancer. This hypothesis holds water, Monsanto’s has paid $11 billion dollars to settle lawsuits, but as part of the Trade deal with the US Mexico can’t decide what not import under the trade agreement.
The modified GM food corn is a moneymaker for the US, not used in the US anymore but shipped overseas. The seed has be bought each season, because they are sterile and don’t propagate. Corn is used to make tortillas as such technically, Mexicans are being poisoned by their own government.
The planned threesome is over Trump, Musk and Farage
While we have no sympathy for Nigel Farage, he is embattled in a war of his own making, will he bind himself to Elon Musk and serve a total muppet or will he just be a puppet. The issue is not just of Tommy Robinson, for Farage this is a power struggle; if he becomes insignificant, they’ll get rid of him ( he isn’t liked in the party), to control his party’s alliance with extreme politics in the UK and merging with the Tories.
Musks it appears wants to have his own party, which is the Far-right party in each country in Europe, as he knows, they are easier to manage and away from the establishment the British hierarchy, something he can’t penetrate.
Musk sees Britain as a colony
Elon Musk sees Britain as a colony, but what he fails to understand is that British have never been anyone’s colony. The powers that be in Westminster are far too difficult to penetrate, being white and rich isn’t enough, so it is cheaper to fuel a ‘gun for hire’ like Tommy Robinson, who would sell his own mother for a day behind the desk in Downing Street.
Is Musk proposing a new Australia in Space

But why does Musk need this control; besides being a megalomaniac, he needs to be able to influence to grow his SpaceX program from Europe. Tesla and X also need European support for them to survive. His projects do not work unless he can dominate the main markets and since he doesn’t have access to China and Russia, he must settle for the next best, which is the EU.
Elon Musk has his own insecurities from his upbringing in apartheid South Africa. Although he doesn’t admit it he prescribes to the great replacement theory, where he believes the indigenous in EU and US are being replaced by immigrants and as such he is firmly behind the Far-right in Europe. I would not be surprised if Musk proposes a colony new Australia in space for immigrants and criminals. Cha-ching!
Italy celebrates National day with Palestinians
This week Italy celebrated its National Flag day by remembering the soldiers who died protecting it. But a growing movement in Italy’s celebration is solidarity with the Palestinians. The news as it is reported is far more balanced than in the UK, although they do not go as far as to criticise Israel, it does report more of its mass genocidal acts.
More and more protests are being combined with the plight for the Gazans against Israeli genocide. These also include anti-fascist protests, that are being funded by the Israelis, they are very limited in numbers but objected by the majority, who are still fearful of fascists ideologies that the older population lived through.
META is pandering to Trump

Meta is abandoning the use of independent fact-checkers on Facebook and Instagram, replacing them with X-style “community notes” where commenting on the accuracy of posts is left to users. Mark Zuckerberg admitted the current system was “too politically biased” and it was “time to get back to our roots around free expression”. Which basically means, we are losing advertisers and users on facebook and we can’t keep blocking Palestinian and muslim posts.
According to analysts META is pandering to Trump but Meta is also doing this to shift the landscape of responsibility to users and significantly promote the idea of free speech; which won’t happen. However, having Trump on your side will boost revenue for the social media platform as alongside Palestinians, Trump has been at the foul end of META’s censorship.
What has Hungary done to annoy the US?
The US Treasury has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogan ( he organised the latest gas deal with Russia), one of the most powerful men in Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz government and the minister in charge of his cabinet office.
It is a rare move between Nato allies, and symbolic of the depth to which US-Hungarian relations have sunk since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine almost three years ago.
Hungary has doubled its imports of Russian gas, and sees an opportunity to sell gas on to other european nations, but it is able to do this as it holds the EU ransom by suggesting if Brussels blocs the gas import, Hungary will veto all Brussels sanctions against Russia.
The EU is a tug of war between Russia and NATO. Hungary has the ability to destabilize the EU region, if Hungary is able to split the EU the rest of the eastern bloc may also follow suit.
Egypt gives in to US imperialism
The executive board of the International Monetary Fund confirmed a deal with Egypt to increase its bailout loan from $3 billion to $8 billion, in a move that is meant to shore up the Arab country’s economy, which is hit by a staggering shortage of foreign currency and soaring inflation. All of which started when the talks of the Suez canal operations started. They have been administered by UN forces.
Control of the Suez canal is imperative to the world order. The number of ships transiting through the Suez Canal hit rock bottom. The latest available data shows that by mid-October 2024.
Syria is under siege – You may have asked yourself, how a former terrorist organisation was able to take control of the Damascus? Well, it didn’t happen without US, Israeli and UK military support. As a such Syria is under siege, Israel is invading Syria from the west and US and EU are looting and dividing up the resources.
No one believes that this takeover was not planned, and something you should not forget, Bashar-al-Assad and his investment banker wife used to be puppets of the UK, he was a Buckingham palace about a decade ago. he was a great revolutionary until he started making deals with Russia.
What’s going on with Palestinian authority?

The US has exerted an unsurmounted amount of pressure on the PA with an ultimatum. Control your land or we will give Israel control over all the land.
So the PA is trying to crack down on who it calls the “outlaws” – the term they use for members of the Jenin Battalion, made up of fighters from armed groups including Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hamas.
If the PA is unable to do this and get the Israeli hostages back before Trump’s inauguration, there won’t be no deal.
Oh and last but not least, Israel is racing towards a finish line of extermination of Gazans, committing genocide on a super fast scale now and has admitted that its actions killed 6 Israeli hostages in August 2024, But who cares when you can blame Hamas for everything.