Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has delivered a defiantly upbeat budget offering a £9bn tax break for business, the Financial Times says.
The paper says a £9bn tax break for business, the expansion of free childcare for under-threes and the surprise abolition of the £1m cap on tax-free pension contributions made for a “defiantly upbeat Budget”.
The paper says Mr Hunt welcomed forecasts suggesting the UK was to avoid a recession by telling the Commons the “declinists are wrong”, though it also quotes Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer calling the new pensions tax break a “huge giveaway to some of the wealthiest people in the country”.
‘Is this scripted?!’
Xhaka had earlier dedicated his goal to his young daughter.
United went through after beating Betis but will not be joined by Arsenal.
Officers are now trying to establish the circumstances surrounding the death.
Viewers seethed over his comment.
A mini 1D reunion!
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