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A perfect round up of all latest headlines created in your Morning briefing pack
The Whaley Bridge Dam collapse may have caused thousands of residents to evacuate their homes but at a time of fear and crisis, community spirit and…
Indonesian earthquake – latest video shows a mosque rattling as the ground judders
BRIEF.ME – UK NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, we find out what a no-deal Brexit will mean for Kent traffic wardens and what powers they…
BRIEF.ME – WORLD NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, we find out why the US has issued a warning to Turkey and threatened ‘more sanctions.’ We…
Nearly 3 million people are struggling with flooding, the worst in two years
World News briefing by WTX News – Pakistan – USA and Venezuela all hit the headlines.
More than 1,000 firefighters battled a major wildfire on Monday amid scorching temperatures in Portugal
Mumbai building collapsing 5 dead many more still trapped
More than 70 rescue workers and 40 fire officials have been working hard to clear the rubble.
Indonesia is hit by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake, which kills one woman, whilst thousands flee their homes.
Simple steps to reduce your carbon footprint- Do you care enough?
The wonderful Greta
Bringing with it rainfall and winds over a 110mphs and forcing the evacuation of around 1 million people.
Planet in crisis but who really cares?
Extinction Rebellion: Latest fro the Climate Change protests in London
#Thunderstorms in #India killing 50 people – struck by lightning #ClimateChange
“I understand there are bodies which are floating, some have floated all the way to Mozambique,”
Search operations for those still missing were halted on Sunday night due to hazardous conditions
Three skiers have been found dead in an avalanche at the Italian resort of Courmayeur
Indonesia Landslides kills 30, Many still remain missing
the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellite showed that a large portion on the southern flank of the volcano slid off into the ocean.
BREAKING NEWS: A deadly Tsunami has hit the coast of Indonesia killing 77 people
Britains should brace themselves for heavy rain and strong winds when the storm system moves in from the Atlantic early next week.
Four men died when a mudslide suddenly hit a villa in the southern Calabria region’s Crotone province. And two boys were killed by falling trees
Good riddance to a month which has brought nothing but death, scandal, outrage and tragedy to people of faith and no faith, says Yvonne Ridley
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