Handelsblatt – Brussels and London – the love comeback of the decade?
Handelsblatt, a German newspaper likened it to the process of ex-partners reconciling after a period of hurt, blame, and teasing, ultimately finding a new way of relating to each other.
The paper says It’s like so many breakups: after a period of hurt, blame and teasing, there comes a point when two ex-partners get closer again – and find a new way of dealing with each other.
The European Union and Great Britain also seem to have reached this point . At least that’s what the pictures from London that went around the world yesterday suggest. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen beamed at each other and emphasized their many similarities. “This is the beginning of a new chapter in our relations,” promised the British prime minister.
This new chapter has a name: “Windsor Agreement”. It is about economic custody of the Irish island. Like children after a divorce, it is split between belonging to the EU and belonging to Great Britain.