Oxfam report says wealth extracted from India between 1765 and 1900 would be a sum large enough to ‘carpet the surface area of London in £50 notes almost four times over’
Britain should give India back its artefacts in lieu of £52trn in colonialism reparations, says historian
A historian has suggested Britain return looted artefacts to its former colonies instead of vast sums in reparations, after an Oxfam report suggested India was owed over £52 trillion.
The report suggested that Western nations commit to providing former colonies with at least £4 trillion annually in reparations and “climate debt” – a sum reflecting the costs developed economies owe poorer nations for climate change.
The report, titled Takers not Makers: The Unjust Poverty and Unearned Wealth of Colonialism, said: “Oxfam calculates that between 1765 and 1900, the richest 10 per cent in the UK extracted wealth from India alone worth US$33.8 trillion (£27.38 trillion) in today’s money.”
Britain should give India back its artefacts in lieu of £52trn in colonialism reparations, says historian