River ferry packed with families sinks close to Mosul.
Author: WTX News Editor
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern receives death threats on social media
“Thank you for your tears. Thank you for your haka. Thank you for your flowers. Thank you for your love and compassion.”
“We’ve been negotiating the withdrawal agreement for two years. It cannot be renegotiated”
New Zealand to broadcast Azaan on Friday in solidarity with Muslims
Four Hindu extremists have been acquitted for the Samjhota terrorist attack
Relatives and other people arrive to attend the burial ceremony of the victims of the mosque attacks, at the Memorial Park Cemetery in Christchurch
Desperate family members rushed to the site and began searching for loved ones
“I understand there are bodies which are floating, some have floated all the way to Mozambique,”
The threat level in Utrecht from the maximum level five as a result of the arrest.
PM Modi had lost control of the narrative. Any which way you spin it, Pakistan’s attack took India by surprise
Breaking News Utrecht shooting – lone gunman kills 3
Breaking News: Shooting on public tram in the Netherlands
Sonny is not alone in showing his support for the Christchurch community, This incident seems to have brought the New Zealand community together.
Panic for parents as they rushed to the scene
Who trained the terrorist, where did he learn to shoot with such accuracy and how did he get financed
New Zealand’s Dunedin airport closed after suspicious device reported.
After the shooting Adeeb was rushed to a hospital where he underwent surgery to extract the bullet.
Muslim London Mayor on Brenton Tarrants kill list.
Moroccan-born Imane Fidal was a key witness in a trial in which the former prime minister Berlusconi dies of poisoning
Jacinda Ardern has travelled to the city with Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters
Racist Australian Senator blames Muslims and immigration for the New Zealand shooting Terrorist attack
On this heartbreaking day, Waleed, A news presenter from TheProjectTV reflects and calls for unity –
“The most dishonest thing I could say today is that I am shocked by this attack.”
How could Facebook – allow the live stream to play for so long before switching it off?
The Tech giant, which has more than 2.7bn users, acknowledged the outage after users noted on Twitter they could not access Facebook or had limited functionality.