Author: WTX News Editor

The WTX News Teams works around the clock to deliver, breaking news and news Briefings to you on a daily basis. It is our opinion that sometimes you need information, not speculation so we try to cut through the bull**** and give you that in your Daily News Briefing.

BRIEF.ME – UK NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update,  a six-year-old boy was thrown off the 10th floor of the Tate Modern, he has been airlifted to hospital and is in a ‘critical’ condition. A 17-year-old boy, not thought to know the victim, has been arrested for attempted murder.  In an update into the Derbyshire dam, reports that some residents in Whaley Bridge have refused to evacuate their homes is causing concern for local police.  New…

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BRIEF.ME – WORLD NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, India has put Kashmir on lockdown- phone networks cut off, internet blocked and movement restricted- as more troops head to the border. Iran has seized another tanker in the Gulf and detained its seven crew members for allegedly ‘smuggling fuel’. America’s deadly day: Following the two mass shooting in the US yesterday we find out the FBI is searching three homes connected to the suspected El Paso…

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Brief.Me Sunday Papers – WEEKEND Briefing In The weekend briefing, we start with the tragic Texas shooting in America and in Breaking News; there’s been another shooting in the USA in Ohio, with 9 people killed! Moving onto the UK PM Johnson’s senior aide warns its ‘too late’ to stop a no-deal Brexit. Over in Moscow, 600 protesters have been detained following a demonstration for a fair election. Police face backlash for violence.  Finally, we…

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BRIEF.ME – UK NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, we find out what a no-deal Brexit will mean for Kent traffic wardens and what powers they could gain.  We find out, how much the Met Police was forced to spend on Trump’s state visit in June. In our last piece, we catch up on the dam collapse in Derbyshire and the evacuation currently in progress. All in today’s UK news briefing – A daily roundup of…

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BRIEF.ME – WORLD NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, A billionaire financier has gifted $5.1 million to the Democratic party ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.  We find out, what impact Trump’s tariff on incoming Chinese goods will have on the American consumer. Iphones and toys to be hit hard.  In our last piece, we head to Kabul after news broke the Afghan government have created a special 15 member team to negotiate with the Taliban. …

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BRIEF.ME – UK NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, Boris adds £2.1bn to the no-deal Brexit fund, Labour attacks plans as an ‘appaling waste’ of cash.   We find out, antisemitic incidents in the UK have risen by 10% in the first 6 months of the year. In our last piece, an OAP who had been arrested on suspicion of murder has been released- he remains under investigation. All in today’s UK news briefing – A daily…

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BRIEF.ME – UK NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, MPs are calling for dedicated police for violent schools, the Home Office committee has called the current strategy for tackling knife and gun crime amongst the youth as “completely inadequate.”  The murder of a young woman on the Shetland Island has become the third murder investigation in 50 years. The death has been described as ‘horrific’.  Finally, The UK has reclaimed its title as the world’s second-largest…

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BRIEF.ME – WORLD NEWS BRIEFING In today’s briefing update, the Canadian manhunt for two teenage killers intensifies. The two fugitives are suspected of killing three people.  Violence in Kashmir after Indian and Pakistani Army’s shoot. Pakistani Army claims Indian Army targetted innocent civilians. Finally, North Korea tests two short-range missiles, making the test the second one of the week.  All in today’s WORLD news briefing – A daily roundup of all the news headlines that you…

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Canadian police have said they have pulled out of a remote northern town after an intensive manhunt after a search turned up no sign of two fugitive teenagers suspected of killing three people. The suspected fugitives are suspected of killing a college professor, a North Carolina woman and her Australian boyfriend. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) used dogs and drones, helicopters, boats and even a military Hercules aircraft to scour the area around York…

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