Today’s news summary – Paper Talk Tuesday’s front pages report on the ongoing Rhodes wildfires and the evacuation of holidaymakers. Many of the papers carry a front-page tribute to BBC presenter George Alagiah – who died at the age of 67 after a long battle with cancer. Rhodes wildfires The Times reports that 30,000 people from the UK have been left in “holiday limbo” by the wildfires on the Greek island. The paper says damage…
Author: WTX News Editor
Climate change will cause more heatwaves.
Legislators say the legislation is to safeguard Russia against ‘Western anti-family ideology’, with some describing gender transitioning as ‘pure satanism’.
Attempts to tamp down the fires included 7,500 firefighters and 350 fire engines.
Have you thought about heading for the hills instead of battling over sun-loungers this summer?
Think it might be a cute and quirky stunt? Think again.
An accident at a sewage treatment plant in western Latvia has caused a large spill of untreated waste into the Baltic Sea, leading to the closure of beaches and a ban on swimming, local authorities said Monday.
The Greek prime minister has said the country is ‘at war’ against the fires.
Err Scott, perhaps it’s worth holding on to that day job.
Rescue and clearing operations are continuing. The police are appealing to the public not to put themselves at any risk. They also advised locals to avoid wooded areas.
Pyongyang’s missile launch has been described by the South Korean military as ‘an act of protest’ to the presence of US naval vessels.
Tens of thousands of people have already fled blazes on Rhodes, with many frightened tourists scrambling to get home on evacuation flights.
‘The smoke and fire was frighteningly close and everyone was panicking.’
The James Webb Space Telescope played a part.
A French zoo will bid farewell to one if its star attractions – a 5-year-old giant panda – on Tuesday, with the bear set to participate in a breeding programme in China’s Sichuan province. Although Yuan Meng was born in France, he is Chinese property on loan to the zoo as part of China’s international “panda diplomacy” programme.
‘Finally my boys can rest at peace and I and the family can try to build some sort of life where we try to come to terms with this horrific loss’
The Saudi club now need to convince the Frenchman to join them.
The Guardian – Thousands forced to flee Rhodes fire nightmare Summary of the front page Fires across Rhodes which have forced mass evacuations of locals and tourists are the lead story in the Guardian. The paper says thousands of people on Rhodes have been forced to flee the “nightmare”, as the fires raged for a sixth straight day. The front page says Greece has mounted its biggest evacuation ever as a result, moving thousands of…
Metro – Rhodes on fire Summary of the front page The Metro leads on the news that the Greek holiday island of Rhodes has been engulfed by wildfires over the course of the weekend. “Rhodes on fire” says the front page of the paper, pointing out that many tourists have “trekked miles to safety in just flip flops and swimwear” as they try to leave the fire-stricken island. The front page also reports on pop…
Financial Times – DeSantis policies spur billionaires to rethink support for presidential bid Summary of the front page The Financial Times splashes on the news that some billionaire backers of Ron DeSantis’s bid to become president have started to rethink their support for the Florida governor. The paper says some of his right-wing policies are discouraging the donors and a retreat could harm the DeSantis campaign. The front page also reports on Spain’s election. Today’s…
Daily Express – Hell on Earth Summary of the front page The Daily Express leads on the fires raging across the Greek island of Rhodes describing the scenes on the popular holiday spot as “hell on earth”. The paper pictures holidaymakers fleeing on foot in Rhodes, dragging luggage behind them under orange, smoke-filled skies. Wildfires on the Greek island have led to evacuations of hotels and travel chaos as people scramble to find transport and…
Daily Mirror – Rhodes inferno agony: Our terror Summary of the front page The fires and evacuations taking place on the island of Rhodes in Greece make the splash in the Daily Mirror, with the paper running stories of British families who have been forced to flee. The paper says UK jets are flying to Rhodes to rescue “exhausted” tourists, with some 19,000 people evacuated from hotels so far. The front page features a large…
The Sun – Run for your lives Summary of the front page The Sun leads on the wildfires currently ravaging the Greek holiday island of Rhodes describing how some Britons were forced to “run for their lives”. A holidaymaker quoted in the paper says the situation is “like the end of the world”. The paper says many tourists escaping hotels had just seconds to spare “as the inferno raged around them”. The front page reports…
Ryanair and easyJet are still running direct flights to Rhodes.
It was like a ‘warzone’, one tourist said.