Dinner in a nice restaurant will cost you less than £10.
Author: WTX News Editor
Save the Children UK urged the Government to offer more support for regions impacted by the consequences of climate change, war and Covid-19.
The driver assistance system was found to be faulty in many vehicles.
The cause of the accident is still unclear.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Oslo Wednesday to meet with leaders of the five Nordic nations, key backers in Kyiv’s fight against Russia’s invasion. With the counteroffensive launched by Ukraine in July failing to yield the anticipated results, Zelensky is trying to rebuild support among Ukraine’s allies amid growing dissent. Zelensky travelled to Washington Tuesday in a last-ditch plea for more military funding but left empty handed as Congress remained divided on a new $60 billion aid package.
New Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s government was sworn in by the president on Wednesday, the final step in a transfer of power that marks a huge change after eight years of nationalist rule.
Elementor #572114December 13, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today The Guardian – Sunak Avoids Major Rebellion Over Rwanda Deportation Bill – For Now The Guardian also splashes on Rishi Sunak “avoiding a major rebellion” in the Commons.The paper suggests that the more than two dozen Tory MPs abstaining in the Rwanda vote is “a blow” to Mr Sunak’s authority and that the PM faces “further peril” in the new year. It says…
Israel allowed Qatari diplomants to send suitcases of cash to Hamas officials in Gaza every month.
Elementor #572106December 13, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today Metro – Rishi Saves His Bacon The Metro splashes on the news that the prime minister successfully managed to get his Rwanda bill through its second reading in the House of Commons.The PM had a breakfast meeting with opponents of his proposals before the vote and the Metro has a play on that gathering with the headline “Rishi saves his bacon”. The PM’s flagship…
Elementor #572094December 13, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today Daily Star – They Think It’s All Combover The striking hairstyle of former US president Donald Trump is the subject of the Daily Star’s front page, which suggests that “the worst hairstyle” is back as one in five of us is going for a “Donald Trump”. The Star’s punny headline declares: “They think it’s all combover!”The paper reveals that 18% of men say…
Elementor #572088December 13, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today Daily Express – Victory for PM: Munity Over Rwanda Plan Fades Away … For Now The Daily Express reports that the “mutiny” over the Rwanda plan has “faded away for now” after the crucial House of Commons vote. The paper notes it as a “victory” for the PM but warns of the tensions and political divisions within the Tory party. The front page also…
Elementor #572082December 13, 20231 Min Read Summary of the Top 6 headlines today Daily Mirror – Nightmare After Christmas The Daily Mirror says that Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda bill could still fail in January, despite the prime minister securing a victory in the Commons on Tuesday evening.The paper describes the PM as “weak” and says his government is “adrift” after his legislation passed its first Commons hurdle with a majority of 44. “The Nightmare After Christmas” is…
Teachers say they are ‘dealing with vindictive parents who prefer to believe their children than us’.
We can promise this tradition doesn’t go where you think it will go.
One of the full sized products costs more than the box alone
Taylor Swift has been inspiring the Swiftie mums.
From a Husky hunk to a Chihuahua chap, which dog are you dating?
Two modes and four DLC characters have been revealed in new Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League leak.
GameCentral goes hands-on with Tekken 8 and is impressive by not only its Unreal Engine 5 powered graphics but its new fight features too.
In Karachi, Pakistan, hundreds of doctors and paramedics participated in a “White Coat March” to honor their Palestinian counterparts working amid intensified Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. White Coat March The rally, part of a series of pro-Palestine marches across Pakistan since October 7, included denunciations of the US for vetoing the UN Security Council’s cease-fire resolution. The Karachi chief of the Jamaat-e-Islami party criticized the US veto, asserting it gives Israel “another license to kill”…
Roast potatoes are the best part of Christmas dinner.
The results are in.
A new trend of seemingly topless streamers is hitting Twitch, and one of its most prominent proponents just got banned.
The ex-gangster was banned from contacting members of the criminal underworld.
The person was found dead this morning, and two ambulances and three police vehicles arrived at the barge in Portland, someone on board said