Of “attack on equality.” Thus, Vox Aragon has described the condonation agreement of 17,000 million euros of debt to Catalonia and the proposal of the Ministry of Finance for the rest of autonomies.
Its spokesman Alejandro Nolasco, has criticized a press conference in the courts of Aragon, this agreement that also implies an increase of 2,000 million euros over the initial figure of 15,000 million euros that had been initially scheduled and that now has been elevated in the agreement between ERC and PSOE. A the latter party on which Nolasco has pointed out that “it is humiliated because Junqueras announces it.”
Nolasco explained that “we are the Aragonese who are going to pay the waste of Catalan governments” in relation to linguistic policies in favor of Catalan and the independence agenda.
“Each Spanish worker is going to steal 800 euros from his pocket that he has won honestly so that the number 1 of the plot, according to the UCO, use the Moncloa and public resources for private purposes.” It is an agreement to content independence, has influenced.
Nolasco has affirmed that debt forgotting is “blackmail that Vox will not accept”, in addition to sending the message to the Minister of Education and General Secretary of the PSOE in Aragon, Pilar Alegría, that they do not trust them because they are already It was seen with the FITE as the increase in the endowment is simply the part that corresponds to the rise by the CPI.
“We are still victims of the malfunction of autonomies”, which is reflected in which there are worse services every year, the poverty index increases and there is little public investment. “And, with the damage of debt, this situation will be accentuated because “They will stop investing in Aragon for the 2,124 million” that would be condemned to the Aragonese community.
In this way, Nolasco has considered that this condom will be the excuse for them to stop investing in Aragon, “what would never happen in the Basque Country or Catalonia.” Among the investments that from VOX consider that those related to infrastructure that have already been delayed in the Aragonese community as is the case of the Pamplona-Huesca-Lérida highway connection, the unfolding, have been slow to the infrastructure related to the infrastructure related to the infrastructure. of the N-232 between Ebro sources and the Burgo de Ebro or the connections in Teruel.
“They tell us that we have to settle for roads 2+1. Can you imagine this in Madrid or Catalonia?” It is a long list of delays to which it has also added other infrastructure such as improvements such as the Canfrac line or trains improvements in the Zaragoza-Pamplona connection.
Nolasco has also stated that the damage to the debt poses problems between the autonomous communities due Teruel than in Martorell. “
Vox points out that Aragon will receive less investments with debt forcononation