March 8, 2022
4:28 pm
Zelensky speaks to British MPs
Catch up on the latest headlines as the Ukrainian President addresses the MPs

Zelensky at the Commons: UK MPs praise President

Zelensky at the Commons: Zensky echos Britain’s Churchill in historic speech

Zelensky at the Commons: Ukraine’s president in historic speech in UK Commons

Russian troops headed for Hydro-plant

Zelensky says You have left us alone to NATO

The Russian military seized a TV broadcasting tower
Zelensky at the Commons: UK MPs praise President
The leaders of the parties take the opportunity to speak following Zelensky’s historic address at the Commons – The session has now closed. To watch/read text of today’s Commons events – Follow Live – President Zelensky in historic speech at UK’s House of Commons or – LIVE ON YOUTUBE -WTX NEWS
President should be knighted – Lib Dems
Lib Dem leader Ed Davey says Ukraine shows why we shouldn’t take democracy for granted – MPs stand together with the people of Ukraine. Davey calls for Zelensky to receive an honorary knighthood.
‘We salute you’ – SNP
Ian Blackford, the SNP leader at Westminster, tells Zelenskiy: “We salute you.” We must do all we can to support Ukraine, he says. The soverienty of Ukraine must prevail.
‘Labour calls for tougher sanctions’ – Keir Starmer
Labour’s Starner says no one would have blamed the Ukrainian president if he had chosen to flee – but he stayed to lead his people and to fight.
“He’s reminded us that our freedom and our democracy are invaluable. He’s prompted the world into action, where too often we’ve let Putin have his way. He’s inspired the Ukrainian people to resist and frustrate the Russian war machine.
Starmer says Labour stands for unity at home – calls for even tougher sanctions against Russia and stands for providing Ukraine with weapons it needs.
PM praises Zelensky
PM says the Ukraiani President is standing firm for democracy and freedom and says Ukrainians are standing firm against a brutal assault.
One of the proudest boasts now in the free world is “I am a Ukrainian”, he says (using the Ukrainian version).
PM says the UK will press on in doing what it can to help. It will use every method it has, diplomatic, humanitarian and economic, to ensure Ukraine is free once more.
Follow Live – President Zelensky in historic speech at UK’s House of Commons
Zelensky echos Britain’s Churchill in historic speech
Zelenskiy summons spirit of Churchill, telling MPs Ukraine will fight ‘in the forests, in the fields, on the shores, in the streets’
Zelenskiy says people are running out of water in some areas.
He refers to the death of 50 children. Ukraine was not looking to become big, but it became big during this way. They have had to fight one of the biggest armies in the world.
The question now is, ‘To be or not to be’, the Shakespearean ones. He can give a definitive answer; it is yes.
We will not give up, and we will not lose. We will fight to the end in the sea, in the air. We will fight for our land, whatever the costs. We will fight in the forests, in the fields, on the shores, in the streets.
Zelenskiy is now – deliberately it seems – referencing one of Churchill’s great wartime speeches, also delivered in the Commons. – (The Guardian)
‘Which Russians were people and which were beasts’ – Zelensky
Zelensky says Russians wanted to Ukraine to lay down its arms but Ukraine did not – he says by the third day they were able to see which Russians were people and which ones were beasts.
By day five constant shelling had been taking place – including against hospitals. He says it did not break them.
On day 6 the Russians shelled the Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial.
Nato held its meeting on day nine – but Ukraine did not get the result from it they wanted (a no fly zone).
By day 11 children and hospitals were being hit with constant shelling.
Zelensky says on day 12, over 10,000 Russian army personnel were dead – including a general.
Follow Live – President Zelensky in historic speech at UK’s House of Commons