Capricorn is a hugely ambitious sign (Picture: Getty/
When you’re thinking about your future career options and trajectory, why not consult the traits and realities of your star sign?
After all, it might steer you in the direction of the work destiny tailor-made to suit you and your strengths.
Astrology can also help you reveal weaknesses you may have missed, allowing you to deal with what’s holding you back and open yourself up to new opportunities.
Capricorn, step this way for some cosmic career advice, and read on…
What are Capricorn’s career strengths?
An Earth sign ruled by Saturn, you are all determined, hardworking, serious, go-getting, hyper ambitious and money-making vibes. Capricorns were born to be bosses, to lead, to have their own show, to make lots of money and reap success. Capricorns are the hardest working sign in the zodiac. Fact.
You are a self-starter, persistent and highly motivated, so you often find yourself being left to your own devices at work, able to carve out and even create your own role as you’re trusted and relied upon. Surprisingly, not all Capricorns end up wanting to run their own business or side line as you are very sensitive (which surprises most people as you put up a stoic front). Being the solo one, out front, taking all the flak can feel very tiring and stressful for perfectionist Caps.
People appreciate your determined, unflappable, rational, objective, cool and calm demeanour at work. You will do any task and do it well. You see what needs attention and give it that. You are a good manager because you are task-orientated and fair-handed. You explain things simply and focus on getting the job done.
All Capricorns are motivated by, and very adept at handling, money. Financial reward matters, material gain and progress is important. Capricorns like to live the good life and they know that working hard is the route to that happy chapter.
Money and hard work are important to Capricorns (Picture: Getty)
What are Capricorn’s weaknesses at work?
You are independent and strong but sometimes these traits can cross over into stubbornness and wilful pride. Refusing to listen to other opinions or ideas about how to do stuff, when you feel you know best. You can come off as dismissive and this can creep into work relationships negatively. At heart, you’re a perfectionist.
Sensitivity. You put on a good face but, deep down, you take things super hard. You don’t enjoy ‘banter’, you cannot bear to be poked fun at, you take feedback and criticism to heart and can stew for years over things said. Try to take feedback seriously but not personally.
Solo projects suit you well and you like being your own boss, setting your own parameters. However, you can miss out on the energy, creativity, and lateral ideation that collaboration brings. Force yourself to partner up with people in work and do things together.
Which jobs is Capricorn best at?
Finance, banking, accounts. You are a born natural with money. It makes sense to you. It motivates you. You enjoy binary areas, where things are black and white, right or wrong. Money ticks the boxes.
The legal field. Your stoic, objective, dispassionate ‘game face’ (because you are a softy underneath) puts you in good stead for law. Be that policing, probation, social work, justice administration, prison work, policy and law creation, analysis, or research.
Science is a wonderful realm for Capricorns as your sharp, shrewd mind and deeply practical nature and abilities work together to make you an enterprising, self-starting, analytical genius. You can get projects funded and do the practical work.
Teaching is a fantastic realm because you are a natural disciplinarian (ruled by Saturn, the task-master planet), stickler for detail, pragmatic information-disseminator, and are also not bored by structure or repetition, so teaching the same things wouldn’t faze you.
You’re a born leader, so look out for roles where you can put this to good use (Picture: Getty)
What is Capricorn like as a boss?
Capricorns are strong, leadership-focused, practical bosses who are very task-orientated and have high standards (which they themselves practice, so there’s no hypocrisy).
A Capricorn boss will create a firm, fair, structured, peaceful, orderly work environment where meritocracy rules. A good job is well rewarded. There are no favourites or cliques, it’s all about getting the job done well.
Capricorn bosses might need reminding about the fun, social, softer side of building good teams and working environments, but, actually, they all have a hidden GSOH so, when they let their hair down, they are great company and enjoy the games.
Will Capricorn be successful as a business owner?
Capricorns have all of the determination, persistency, business brains and shrewdness to go it alone and be incredibly successful.
Their own demon is their perfectionism and over sensitivity to failure or feedback. Being resilient and confident comes with time.
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.
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