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Daily Mirror - War hero’s 26-hour wait on A&E trolley

Summary of the front page

The lead story in the Daily Mirror is about a 95-year-old man who waited 26 hours on a trolley in a Nottingham A&E department before getting a bed, as the paper claims the NHS is on its knees.

“Until we get a government that prioritises people’s health and social care, this sort of thing will keep on happening,” his daughter, a retired social worker told the Mirror.

The front page reports on the latest from Westminster, claiming “Truss abandons pensions promise” as well as a story on Rod Stewart. 

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Daily Mirror - War hero’s 26-hour wait on A&E trolley 

Daily Mirror – War hero’s 26-hour wait on A&E trolley

Daily Mirror – War hero’s 26-hour wait on A&E trolley Summary of the front page The lead story in the Daily Mirror is about a 95-year-old man who waited 26 hours on a trolley in a Nottingham A&E department before getting a bed, as the paper claims the NHS is on its knees. “Until we get a government that prioritises people’s health and social care, this sort of thing will keep on happening,” his daughter,

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