What’s in store for today? Your horoscope for May 11, 2023
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Donald Trump losing a civil case in which a jury found he’d sexually abused a woman 27 years ago is The Guardian’s lead story. Rather than a picture of Mr Trump, it’s Ms Carroll who dominates the front page. She emerged from the court smiling, making her way through a crowd of photographers, reporters and demonstrators.
The front page also reports on details of how a baby was created with DNA from three people, a first in the UK. It says the law was changed in 2015 to permit the procedure and two years later the Newcastle Fertility Centre became the first and only national clinic licenced to perform it. A professor of reproductive genetics who took part in the research, Dagan Wells, warns that the number of reported cases is far too small to draw any definitive conclusions about safety or efficacy, and long-term follow-up of the children born is essential.
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
‘I’m not sure Declan Rice should be going there.’
The duo are said to be not as close as the once were.
The process could finally be coming to a long-awaited end.
‘It’s a load of old balderdash.’
She gave a realistic peak into their home lives.
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