What’s in store for today? Your horoscope for June 30, 2023
Neptune’s rewind phase pulls back the veil.
Work is being done to prepare for an interim nationalisation of Thames Water, says the Financial Times.
The paper says that, amid the turmoil, the price of a 2026 bond sold by Thames Water’s parent company, Kemble Water Holdings, has plunged by 35p to 50p. It also quotes Cathryn Ross, interim co-chief executive, saying earlier this month that the company has made a “very large loss and that is not ideal in terms of raising capital”.
Neptune’s rewind phase pulls back the veil.
Things are only going to get worse.
A new era is heralded in as another two mainstays say goodbye.
The new head of the RAF ‘apologised unreservedly’ to those impacted.
Such sad news.
Five new ‘rainbow plaques’ have been announced ahead of Pride in London.
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