The Grand Place
The Grand Place in Brussels is hidden away in the centre of the city but when you enter on foot, you are guaranteed to be left stunned.
According to Wikipedia, the Grand Place is the most important tourist destination and most memorable landmark in Brussels.
At the centre of The Grand Place is the beautiful 15th Century city hall but dotted around the square you will also be impressed by the six guild halls and their striking architecture.
The square alone is worth visiting at different times of the day. On certain days there is a flower market in the square and arrange a special visit at night, it is highly recommended.
The Grand Place in Brussels

The history of La Grand-Place
La Grand-Place testifies in particular to the success of Brussels, the mercantile city of northern Europe that, at the height of its prosperity, rose from the terrible bombardment inflicted by the troops of Louis XIV in 1695.
Destroyed in three days, the heart of the medieval city underwent a rebuilding campaign conducted under the supervision of the City Magistrate, which was spectacular not only by the speed of its implementation but also by its ornamental wealth and architectural coherence.
The Grand Place remains the faithful reflection of the square destroyed by the French artillery and testifies to the symbolic intentions of the power and pride of the Brussels bourgeois who chose to restore their city to its former glory rather than rebuild it in a contemporary style.
It is a world heritage site on the list by UNESCO.
How old is The Grand Place?
The authenticity of the Grand Place, the oldest references to which date back to the 12th century, is undeniable.
Evolving over the centuries and rebuilt after the bombardment of 1695, the Grand Place has retained its configuration over the last three centuries, virtually unchanged.
Who built Grand Place?
The history of the Grand Place in Brussels is not entirely accurate. Some references are weak. But to the best of our knowledge, it was the vision of one man.
The year was approximately 979 and a man called Charles, who was the Duke of Lower Lorraine, built a fort on Saint-Gery Island, effectively establishing the new city.
How to get to Grand Place?
You can get to Grand Place in a variety of ways. Travelling from Europe you can catch the night trains to be there at night or day. Or you can fly into Brussels Airport and catch a cab or the train to the centre.
How to get there?
Grand-Place de Bruxelles
Town square
Brussels, Belgium.