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The Mirror – The dead can’t hear your apologies 

The Daily Mirror leads on Boris Johnson’s apology at the COVID inquiry, saying the bereaved families were not impressed. 

The paper says families who lost loved ones told Boris Johnson “the dead can’t hear your apologies” as he said sorry for pandemic mistakes. Appearing at the Covid Inquiry, he admitted his government “underestimated” the threat posed as he missed key meetings when the virus hit. “I look at all this stuff, in which we seem so oblivious, with horror now, we should have twigged, we should collectively have twigged much sooner… I should have twigged,” he said. At the start of his evidence, he said: “Can I just say how glad I am to be at this inquiry and how sorry I am for the pain and the loss and the suffering of Covid victims.” There was then a disruption in the room when four women held up signs that read: “The dead can’t hear your apologies”.

Today’s news summary – Paper Talk: Jenrick quits & BoJo says sorry over Covid deaths 

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