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We’ll keep you updated with the latest from No 10 – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Met’s Partygate probe slammed as allies rally around Boris Johnson

What are the 3 main political parties in UK?

Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats. 

What political type is the UK?

The United Kingdom is a Constitutional Monarchy in which the reigning monarch (that is, the king or queen who is the head of state at any given time) does not make any open political decisions. All political decisions are taken by the government and Parliament.

Who runs England?

The Prime Minister is the leader of Her Majesty’s Government and is ultimately responsible for all policy and decisions. The Prime Minister also: oversees the operation of the Civil Service and government agencies. 

Is the UK a two party system?

The two party system in the United Kingdom allows for other parties to exist, although the main two parties tend to dominate politics; in this arrangement, other parties are not excluded and can win seats in Parliament.

Most of Thursday’s front pages lead on domestic topics – with politics being the most popular. We’re less than 5 weeks away from the UK general election and the campaign trail is heating up. 

Several of the front pages lead on Diane Abbott defying Sir Keir Starmer as she says she will remain an MP for as long as possible. Abbott was suspended from Labour last April for saying Jewish, Irish and Traveller people do not face racism “all their lives”. 

The right-leaning and left-leaning newspapers have a different take on the Abbott story – either way, it’s bad for Labour! 

More from the campaign trail also features on the papers, the right-leaning newspapers lead on Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt saying Labour can’t be trusted with the economy, whilst the left-leaning newspapers say NHS nurses are in support of a Labour government. 

Strikes, celebrities and UK crime stories also feature on the front pages.

As expected, Wednesday’s front pages are heavily dominated by the latest developments from the general election campaign trail. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer have been on the road trying to shore up support ahead of the 4 July snap election. 

The right-leaning newspapers bulk up support for Sunak’s national service plans and take aim at ‘mickey-mouse’ degrees, saying the PM will ban such degrees. 

The left-leaning newspapers report on the probe against Angela Rayner being dropped by police, they rip apart the prime ministers ‘triple lock’ policy, calling it a gimmick, and pick up on Labour’s promise to clear NHS waiting lists within 5 years. 

The back pages report on the latest from the Premier League – the season may be over, but hiring continues.

Many of Tuesday’s front pages focus on Rishi Sunak’s pledge to save older people from paying tax on their state pension. The left-leaning newspapers lead on Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer as both the PM and the leader of the opposition have been on the campaign trail since the announcement of a snap general election – to be held on 4 July. 

Elsewhere, several papers feature images from the Israeli airstrike on the Rafah, which has drawn international condemnation as civilians sheltering have been hit. 

The back pages lead on the latest Premier League news – including the latest gossip about new managers. Chelsea are closing in on their new boss and Erik ten Hag is still reportedly in the dark over his future.