Crime Dad-of-Two stabbed to death ‘inside barber shop’ in LondonBy David PikeJuly 9, 2024 Dad-of-two stabbed to death ‘inside barber shop’ in London Josh McKay died at the scene in north London after the Dad-of-two stabbed to death in…
Crime Police seal off Richmond Park in hunt for escaped terror suspect Daniel KhalifeBy David PikeSeptember 8, 2023 It was closed overnight, with officers guarding entries and exits while helicopters equipped with heat-seeking cameras circled.
London Man wanted on recall to prison dies in police custody in CroydonBy David PikeJuly 24, 2023 The man was arrested on suspicion of dealing Class A drugs.
Crime Boy, 3, and girl, 11, among four found dead in west London flatBy David PikeJune 17, 2023 Scotland Yard said all four are thought to be related.