When MPs meet again on Wednesday “the UK has a last chance to break the deadlock or face the abyss
Browsing: Prime Minister
Determination alone does not win the support of a bitterly divided chamber
The British parliament holds a historic vote Tuesday on the Brexit deal agreed with the EU and all sides are bracing for turmoil when the text is almost certainly rejected.
This morning the European Council president Donald Tusk wrote a letter that outlines the EU’s aims regarding the Irish backstop
This could end centuries of “moderate” politics in the UK
News headlines focus on what Corbyn did or din’t say to May while editors miss the big story of US military pulling out of Syria and plunging America foreign policy into chaos
When Margaret Thatcher quit she had actually won the confidence vote.
As she heads overseas Yvonne Ridley wonders how long Theresa May can survive as British PM and asks if May will she still be residing in Downing Street when her plane lands?
‘She simply does not listen’ (referring to the PM) DUP leader claims about the Prime Minister
Gareth Southgate’s magnificent #Lions could plunge #May and her cabinet into yet another political crisis. #Russia #Worldcup #FIFA #WTXNews
Jacinda Arden gives birth to a baby whilst in power. Only the 2nd #PM in history to do so after #Pakistani PM Benazir #Bhutto
#GrenfellTower: The long road to justice begins for #Grenfell United
#Jordan’s Prime Minister Hani Mulki submitted his resignation to the king this afternoon during a meeting at the Husseiniyeh Palace
The New #Spanish PM is sworn in after he brought about the downfall of his predecessor Mr Rajoy by filing a no confidence motion
Prime Minister Theresa May is defeated in parliament over Brexit blueprint – The cost of the snap election is becoming evident now for the Tories.
History is making – Brexit deal is done and a relief for Downing Street. The important thing is that it is done. A big first step that goes some way to securing Theresa May’s position.
How the past 24 hours have changed Brexit – A winter of discontent looms for the Prime Minister
The Prime Minister says Rohingya crisis is ethnic cleansing & Bob Geldof stands up in protest of Suu Kyi.
Big Ben strikes after months of silence as the prime minister and the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cambridge will be among those at the Royal British Legion’s annual Festival of Remembrance. Armistice Day
The real power in British politics currently lies with Boris Johnson, the pro-Brexit Foreign Secretary
The extent of racial discrimination in the country is shocking