Browsing: Diane Abbott

Most of Thursday’s front pages lead on domestic topics – with politics being the most popular. We’re less than 5 weeks away from the UK general election and the campaign trail is heating up. 

Several of the front pages lead on Diane Abbott defying Sir Keir Starmer as she says she will remain an MP for as long as possible. Abbott was suspended from Labour last April for saying Jewish, Irish and Traveller people do not face racism “all their lives”. 

The right-leaning and left-leaning newspapers have a different take on the Abbott story – either way, it’s bad for Labour! 

More from the campaign trail also features on the papers, the right-leaning newspapers lead on Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt saying Labour can’t be trusted with the economy, whilst the left-leaning newspapers say NHS nurses are in support of a Labour government. 

Strikes, celebrities and UK crime stories also feature on the front pages.