The Chief of Staff of the Navy presents the ‘Armada 2050’ report, a document that has been worked on for two years.
“The world’s economic centre of gravity is shifting towards the Indo-Pacific, where the sea will gain importance and it will be necessary to act within the framework of international coalitions.” This is one of the main conclusions of the Armada 2050 report presented yesterday by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Piñeiro , at his headquarters.
A document that has been worked on for two years to project what the Navy should be like in 2050. In this report, which has an open version, the Indo-Pacific is referred to as the new strategic place to be due to “growing multipolarity”. In that area there have already been ad hoc deployments by European countries in which the Spanish Navy also wants to have a presence, as can be deduced from the dossier.
The current format of this European presence consists of exercises similar to the annual Daedalus -type exercises , in which several countries – NATO in this case – contribute capabilities, sending an aircraft carrier and escorted by different frigates. They carry out interoperability and forward presence work, a way of deterrence and demonstrating capabilities.