According to Russell Kellett, the crafts produced no sound unlike jet fighters or aeroplanes (Picture: Caters)
A British UFO hunter has revealed footage gathered over a 20-year period spent investigating the sight of a reported alien abduction.
In light of claims that the US government is hiding evidence of ‘non-human intelligence’, Russell Kellett, 60, decided to share his findings with the world.
Russell, from North Yorkshire, UK, has dedicated the last two decades to investigating the area where RAF pilot, William Schaffner, crashed his plane into the North Sea in September 1970 – Filey Beach near Scarborough in Yorkshire.
He was reportedly chasing a UFO before crashing, and while his plane was recovered three months later, his body was never found.
‘I have been visiting this site for the last 20 years, capturing footage of things coming out of the water,’ said Mr Kellett.
‘The footage shows two crafts in the sea side by side. They are flying triangles, and they are very close to the road – as you can see at the start of the video,’
‘There’s no logical explanation as to what it could be. People have said it could be a plane or a boat, but that close to the road in this location in the middle of the night? Not a chance,’ he added.
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According to Mr Kellett, the crafts produced no sound unlike jet fighters or aeroplanes.
‘From my investigation, I have come to the conclusion that there must be an underwater alien base off the coast of Filey Beach,’ he said.
‘The pilot who crashed into the North Sea, in my opinion, was definitely abducted by aliens, and I believe this underwater base had something to do with it.’
Mr Kellett also claimed that the flying objects seem to be able to outrun and out manoeuvre our air force, not showing up on radar.
He added that the public hearing on UFOs in the US involving former intelligence officers, and witnesses, said the same thing as him.
‘Now more than ever, people are starting to believe that there is alien life not only out there but also visiting Earth.’
In 2009, the Ministry of Defence said that the death of the pilot was not the result of a UFO encounter but a ‘tragic’ accident.
MORE : Star Trek legend William Shatner gives his verdict on bombshell UFO claims
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The footage was gathered over a 20-year period.Â