Umbrella body for country’s 32 councils says plans would be too costly and disruptive at time of financial crisis
Scottish council leaders have called for Nicola Sturgeon’s government to suspend its plans for a new national care service, in a growing battle over funding.
The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, the umbrella body for the country’s 32 councils, said setting up the service would be unjustifiably costly and disruptive during a time of financial crisis.
​Umbrella body for country’s 32 councils says plans would be too costly and disruptive at time of financial crisisScottish council leaders have called for Nicola Sturgeon’s government to suspend its plans for a new national care service, in a growing battle over funding.The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, the umbrella body for the country’s 32 councils, said setting up the service would be unjustifiably costly and disruptive during a time of financial crisis. Continue reading…Â