The most famous of sparkling water brands is under threat of losing its natural mineral water label, which it has held for more than a century. A confidential report from the Occitanie regional health agency (ARS), obtained by The World and Radio France’s investigative unit, leaves little room for any other outcome for Perrier.
Completed in August, following an inspection carried out at the end of May at Perrier’s packaging site in Vergèze, southern France, the report concluded that Nestlé Waters, the brand’s owner, should seriously consider “stopping production of mineral water at the Vergèze site” because of the consistently deteriorating sanitary quality of its catchments, and in particular due to a virological risk.
The ARS politely “invited” the Swiss food group to “consider strategically another possible food use for the current mineral water catchments,” provided that “additional health and safety guarantees” are provided. When contacted by The World and Radio France, Nestlé Waters said it was “not in a position to comment,” having “no knowledge of the final report.”
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Perrier production under threat as report highlights health risks