Penny Mordaunt, 50, carried the 4ft-long, 8lb sword of state for more than an hour (Picture: PA)
Penny Mordaunt revealed she took painkillers to prepare for her role carrying a heavy sword at King Charles’s coronation.
The Tory politician became a bit of an internet hit after the world watched her carry the 4ft-long sword of state, which weighs a hefty 8lb, in an upright position for more than an hour.
Many praised the 50-year-old for her stamina, who said she had to make sure she was in ‘good nick’ for the day.
‘I did take a couple of painkillers just beforehand just to make sure I was going to be alright,’ she told the BBC’s Political Thinking podcast.
Ms Mordaunt, who is the first ever woman to carry and present the sword, laughed at how interested people have been in her preparation for the role.
‘This story has developed and run away with itself. I was not in the gym pumping iron six months prior to this,’ she said.
She went on to share some tips for anyone looking to do the same job one day, advising them to practise and ‘not leave anything up to chance’.
‘Have a good breakfast and wear comfortable shoes,’ she added.
The minister, who campaigned to be Tory leader at the same time as Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, previously told Times Radio: ‘On the day I am representing the King’s authority.
‘The sword of state is the heaviest sword, so I’ve been doing some press ups to train for that.
‘It’s one of two swords made for Charles II, only one survives today.
‘It has to be carried at right angles to the body, pointing upwards, hence the need to do press ups.
‘We get to practise with some replicas which are weighted the same. Being in the navy has come in handy, especially standing for long periods of time and not fainting. It’s a huge honour to do it.’
Ms Mordaunt got a bit of respite when she handed the smaller Sword of Offering to the King (Picture: Pool/Shutterstock)
The sword, with a highly decorative wood and velvet scabbard featuring silver gilt emblems of thistle, rose, harp and fleur-de-lys, was made in 1668 and is now kept in the Tower of London.
Ms Mordaunt was eventually given some respite from carrying it, when she swapped out the sword of state for the smaller jewelled sword of offering.
The Portsmouth North MP is the first female Lord President of the Privy Council.
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This has resulted in her taking on central roles in announcing Queen Elizabeth II’s death and crowning King Charles – two significant British events in recent history.
Many have called this ironic, given that it was widely thought Liz Truss had handed Ms Mordaunt the position to keep her out of the spotlight after their battle for leadership last year.
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The politician said she had to make sure she was in ‘good nick’ for the day.