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Daily Express - No appetite to make peace with Harry

Summary of the front page

The Daily Express claims that Prince Harry’s brief visit to Britain for the coronation will leave no time for him to mend fences with the rest of the Royal Family.

The paper quotes a source as saying the Royal Family “are focused on planning for the historic [King’s coronation] and have no appetite or time at this stage to think about reconciliation” between the monarch and his son the Duke of Sussex. It comes following the news that Prince Harry will fly back to the UK for the coronation – without his wife or their children – which the Express yesterday claimed had brought some “relief” to the King.

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‘Rishi Sunak attacks Nigel Farage’ – Paper Talk 

Friday’s newspapers are dominated by the general election and with less than a week until polling days, they are keen to force home their messages. 

The traditional right-leaning newspapers are slamming Nigel Farage’s Reform Party – the true threat to the Conservatives at this election after members were recorded making racist, homophobic and Islamophobic comments. Other right-leaning papers are tapping into fears that Labour will end up with a supermajority if disillusioned Conservative voters decide to cast their vote for Reform. 

The left-leaning newspapers, continue to push Labour’s plans if they are elected this July. These include plans to fix the NHS and close loopholes for private schools. 

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