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The Guardian – Doctors issue dire warning as NHS faces biggest Budget cut in 50 years 

With the budget taking place on Wednesday, The Guardian reports the NHS faces its biggest funding cuts in real terms since the 1970s.

The paper says an analysis by think tank IFS – has found that real-terms health spending in England is set to fall by 1.2% – equivalent to £2bn – in the next financial year. The paper says the NHS faces its biggest cuts since the 1970s as a result and that, without a government rethink, it will have to cut staffing, pay rates or services, or all three. 

It adds that the chancellor is facing “growing pressure” to prioritise public spending over tax cuts.

US states voting on Super Tuesday and what it means 

US states voting on Super Tuesday and what it means 

Nominating contests will be held in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and the US territory of American Samoa.

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