What’s in store for today? Your horoscope for August 3, 2023
There’s a sense of excitement that you can’t deny
A pill hailed the Holy Grail of cancer cures for killing tumours yet leaving health cells unharmed is being tested on humans, the Metro writes. The paper says the new therapy is the result of 20 years of research and development.
The front page also reports on Rishi Sunak’s visit to the Great British Beer Festival in west London – where he was heckled while pulling a pint, on the day alcohol duty rose on many wines and spirits.
There’s a sense of excitement that you can’t deny
‘He wasn’t feeling great…’
The picture had been edited to make it look as though the Prime Minister had poured a poor pint.
The Arsenal boss could not hide a smile when asked…
‘A lot of my projects at the time got cancelled.’
The wedding bliss seems miles away.
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