Is it the beginning of the end? (Credits: Getty Images)
It seems we are living in a world where children submit homework generated by ChatGPT, and the specter of AI-driven unemployment looms large.
A reader has written in to cite her worry that we’ll soon become worshippers of artificial intelligence. Are we preparing to entrust everything to automation, or is there some things a machine will never be able to replicate?
Meanwhile, readers are discussing the difference between environmental protesters and footie fans, the ‘privilege’ of the OAP bus pass, Marks and Sparks paper hat burning, growing anti-Semitism and the covid inquiry.
What do you think about our readers’ letters today?
Share your thoughts in the comments.
‘We must be vigilant so AI won’t replace us and become the gods we worship’
Further to the government’s Bletchley Park summit on the issue of artificial intelligence attended by Elon Musk(Metro, Fri), it is, without doubt, startingto replace human intelligence.
In the next few years, if care is not taken, the younger generation will be unable to make crucial decisions on their own but rely absolutely on AI to do anything and everything.
As King Charles said, ‘If we are to realise the untold benefits of AI, then we must work together on combating its risks too.’
AI models have been designed to help us but we must be vigilant so that it won’t replace us and even become the gods we worship. Victoria, London
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In times like this you just need someone to talk to (Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Nicholas (MetroTalk, Thu) reflects that the potential extinction of the human race by AI means that evolution ‘can be called a self-correcting program’.
But extinction is not likely to happen, judging by my recent use of a ‘chatbot’ (to inform my energy supplier of a change of address).
It took ages to use, I had to repeat the same information to various robot ‘operators’ and, in the end, was informed that the information had been noted, which I then found was not the case.(I called my supplier and spoke to a human.) If this is AI, we aren’t in any danger. Beverley, London.
Comedy writer Andy Hamilton commented recently that the way to control AI is not to tell it where the plug is. Len, Barking
Was it an honest mistake or do M&S have nothing to apologise for?
What has the world come to? Marks & Spencer has to apologise for an advert showing a burning Christmas paper hat that has colours similar to the flag of Palestine. Sudan and Kuwait have exactly the same colours.
Does M&S now have to apologise to the people of these countries as well? Gary, Essex
What do you think? (Picture:
Are we starting to forget the lessons from the atrocities of the past?
Sorry, this video isn’t available any more.
Joyce (MetroTalk, Fri) makes a good point about how we wouldn’t tell Jews to ‘stop wallowing’ about the Holocaust like we tell black people to stop wallowing about colonial atrocities.
But I worry that this attitude is changing. On social media, the rise in anti-Semitic incidents is accompanied with phrases such as Jews ‘having it coming’ and ‘getting what they deserve’. James, London
It’s jubilation (Photo by Visionhaus/Getty Images)
‘Pitch invasions are joyful celebrations – you’re generalising football fans.’
Ryan and Beverley (MetroTalk, Tue and Thu) take issue with my complaint that Just Stop Oil protesters are treated more leniently than football fans who also stage pitch invasions. I find both of their responses full of ill-informed prejudice.
Most pitch invasions are a joyful celebration. For them to say football fans are violent is like me saying all protesters are smelly hippies who need a wash.
Ryan says Just Stop Oil are ‘always peaceful’. Try telling that to the owners of the M25 service stations that was vandalised by violent protesters causing £100,000 of damage, or the museum that had to repair the damaged Van Gogh. Maurice Fitzgerald, Worcester Park
‘Having a free travel when you’re disabled or elderly isn’t a “privelege”‘
Free travel levels the playing field for less mobile people (Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Ted (MetroTalk, Thu) describes free travel for OAPs and the disabled as ‘privileges’.
They are not. They are tools to help people from both of those groups get through an uneven world.
If you want to treat everyone equally with transport then maybe it would be time to take a leaf out of Luxembourg’s book and provide it for free. Capella, London
And more on the covid inquiry…
They did have some unorthodox (stupid) suggestions… (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
Between Boris Johnson’s reported question of whether a hair dryer up the nose would sort Covid and Donald Trump’s comment that drinking bleach would sort it, should we be more afraid that these buffoons were in charge than of the virus Amanda H, Leeds
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear just one witness in the Covid Inquiry own up to their part of the debacle rather than being so keen to heap blame upon others? Robert, Kent
Am I misremembering that the government was presented in 2016 with a pandemic preparation plan, which they totally ignored? Stop offering excuses for their uncaring incompetence. Valerie, London
The Covid Inquiry has heard that Mr Johnson described the virus as ‘nature’s way’ of dealing with old people. By that logic, should nature have been allowed to take its course when he had Covid? He’s no spring chicken, after all. Lizzie, Liverpool
As he is so interested in facts, could anti-Brexit Martin (MetroTalk, Fri) say which facts about the cost of joining the EU were given to the 18 to 24-year-olds polled that led to 70 per cent of them saying they wanted to do so?
Because that’s what Article 49 of the European Treaty requires – that we join, not rejoin. I would venture that they were not given any such facts and if they had been, the result could well be different. HG, Maidstone
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MORE : Hackers can use ChatGPT to steal your private data
In today’s MetroTalk readers are discussing an AI future, storming the pitch, OAP ‘privilege’, growing anti-Semitism, and the covid inquiry.