Games Inbox: Calling the PlayStation Showcase a flop, Spider-Man 2 QTEs, and Project Q price
The Thursday letters page is unimpressed at the latest PS5 preview event, as one reader worries about Sony’s plans for its future games.
The Guardian covers Boris Johnson being referred to the police over allegations of breaking lockdown rules. The alleged visits to Chequers were found in Mr Johnson’s diary by government-funded lawyers who were working on his defence for the public inquiry into the pandemic, according to the Guardian.
The paper says the lawyers raised the entries with the Cabinet Office, which was then obliged under the civil service code to refer the matter to the police.
The front page also leads with a fatal crash in Wales which led to riots in the capital.
The Thursday letters page is unimpressed at the latest PS5 preview event, as one reader worries about Sony’s plans for its future games.
‘You can have money, but you have to spend it in a smart way.’
Some of the venues affected by strike action (Picture: Getty) More than 900 workers at tourist attractions across London are
Spurs travel to Leeds for a pivotal clash on Sunday.
For several months, at least six fake anti-Ukraine covers of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo have been circulating online, especially on Russian Telegram channels. Now a fake news report, attributed to French media outlet 20 Minutes, falsely accuses Russian independent journalist Ilya Ber of being behind these Charlie Hebdo covers. We debunk this false news report in this edition of Truth or Fake.
Tom and Amy were partners on Strictly Come Dancing.
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