What’s in store for today? Your horoscope for June 30, 2023
Neptune’s rewind phase pulls back the veil.
The Daily Mirror reports that Iraq’s top counter-terror officer, General Abdul Wahab el-Saadi, has warned that an Islamic State cell in Britain is planning to carry out a terror attack. Speaking in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, el-Saadi said the cell’s plot had been uncovered by his troops and that it intended to target a public gathering.
The front page also reports on Madonna’s health scare noting the star had been in intensive care.
Neptune’s rewind phase pulls back the veil.
Things are only going to get worse.
A new era is heralded in as another two mainstays say goodbye.
The new head of the RAF ‘apologised unreservedly’ to those impacted.
Such sad news.
Five new ‘rainbow plaques’ have been announced ahead of Pride in London.
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