How did you take Phil’s comments? (pic: Microsoft)
The Friday letters page advises not upsetting Nintendo’s lawyers, as one reader explains why he didn’t buy Marvel’s Midnight Suns.
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If you build it, they will come
I agree that Phil Spencer’s comments are entirely disingenuous and feel that it is part of a continued campaign to paint Xbox and Microsoft as the underdog. I have always had PlayStation consoles (with some Nintendo consoles, including a Switch at the minute). Up until my PlayStation 5 I have always got a new console a few years into the generation and my decision has been based on which console has more games that I am most interested in playing.
I 100% would buy an Xbox if Starfield got 11 out of 10s across the board and thought Microsoft buying Bethesda would eventually be the thing that convinced me to get one. My digital back catalogue played also no part in me getting a PlayStation 5, after my PlayStation 4, as I primarily play single-player games and rarely want to spend so much time replaying a game.
Maybe the apparent failure of Redfall will lead to Dishonored 3, something that could convince me to stump up for an Xbox (even if I sold it after playing the game). I don’t think it’s that complicated. Netflix initially increased its subscriber base, in part, as a result of their original programming that was ‘must watch’ at the time. If Xbox had more games people wanted to play that they couldn’t play anywhere else, it would be selling a lot more.
Cause and effect
Fascinating interview with Phil Spencer about Redfall yesterday. His comments about console share not necessarily changing depending on the quality of games was quite bizarre and surprising though. Perhaps I really am in the minority here, but if Starfield does turn out to be an 11 out of 10, personally I will go out and buy an Xbox Series X, and if it’s a 7 or 8 out of 10 I will make do with my Switch and PlayStation 5.
Now, I would have thought that applied to most people who buy video game consoles? What else does Microsoft think people buy them for? Are digital libraries and the like really seen to be so important? He knows more than me about the market clearly, but I’d be really surprised if they start releasing exclusive games of similar quality to Nintendo and Sony, and that didn’t lead to many millions more Xboxes being sold (and Game Pass subscriptions along with them!)
Henshin Agogo
GC: Everything he was saying was still focused squarely on the acquisition. He probably imagines, and may well be right, that the weaker Microsoft looks as a first party publisher the better it helps their case.
Sorry, not sorry
Oh my, that Phil Spencer interview was something else! We’ve all seen companies try to put out PR fires before, but this seemed to strangely go beyond that.
I can see GC have already expressed the same sentiment that I feel. On one hand, it’s great to have a company own up to their shortcomings. On the other hand, I can’t help but think Spencer’s comments have left the userbase feeling completely deflated. Because I know that’s how I feel!
I’m talking specifically around the point made that releasing great games won’t turn their business around. Ignoring the absurdity of such a statement from a video game manufacturer and publisher, isn’t history filled with examples that entirely contradict that?
PlayStation 1 and 2 were miles ahead of the competition because they had all the games. Xbox 360 made huge ground up until around 2010 because they had some of the best games (and ports). Everyone backed the PSP in the portable race against the DS before release, yet Nintendo made much more appealing and innovative games and look at how much that thing sold.
For the first time in my life, I’m in a very privileged position to be able to have all three current consoles under my TV. I’m a Sony fanboy at heart but an awful lot of what Sony is making right now I’m disillusioned with. Horizon? Ghost Of Tsushima? Days Gone? Another The Last Of Us remake?! I really don’t care for these games.
If Xbox was performing like a solid console platform right now, they’d be getting more money from me and likely secure my place in whatever next generation. Maybe if they tried to release some great games, they wouldn’t be in third place…
RandyTandy (gamertag)
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Bad timing
I’ve just picked up a game that was only released last week called Bramble: King Of The Mountain, following the recommendation of a friend.
I hadn’t heard of it, to be honest, but it’s actually rather good, similar in style to the Little Nightmare games only inspired by Nordic folk tales. It’s had very little coverage and I was wondering if GC were aware of it and if they would be reviewing it.
GC: We are dimly aware of it, but you can probably imagine what we’re busy with at the moment and why we can’t talk about it.
Deal of the century
Just seen two games I am interested in getting are coming out on the same day: Planet Of Lana and After Us on 23rd May 2023. I am interested in Planet Of Lana as I have enjoyed games like Inside, Limbo, and Far: Lone Sails, and not so well known games as Stela, all in the same vein of 2D platform/puzzle/story game.
After Us I am interested in getting as I really enjoyed the developer’s previous game Arise: A Simple Story during the first lockdown, as it is a melancholic platform puzzle game in 3D with amazing visuals and clever game design in how you control the world and the character.
Andrew J.
PS. ShopTo have the Collector’s Edition in stock for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom every so often, so if a reader wanted to buy it I would check their site now and then as they have had them in stock for a while and then they go out of stock but come back into stock another day.
GC: It may not be by the time anyone reads this but for what it’s worth it’s in stock as we write this. And it’s 14p off too!
No change
I was watching a stream of current gen only Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and noticed there were a few walking through narrow gaps ‘hidden’ loading screens.
I thought the SSDs were going to consign that to Room 101. The PC minimum requirements don’t require an SSD though, so maybe that’s why they’re needed.
GC: Maybe. All we know is that all that talk, before this generation, of SSDs revolutionising game design has, predictably, come to nothing.
Dead man walking
Those gamers who have Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom early, I don’t understand how they are potentially in trouble with Nintendo. Surely the responsibility is with the retailer? I remember a few UK online retailers used to ship games early to allow for mail delays, but that practice was stopped long ago. I can understand if they are gloating over pirated copies, but the guy showing his copy off to Reggie appeared to be legit. How on earth is the game pirated so quickly anyway? I guess I’m underestimating these criminals.
I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of any of those retailers who have broken the release date, however. But to single out some random dudes gloating on Twitter, that’s a tad extreme. The retailer is to blame. You ask any Nintendo fan, if a retailer was willing to sell them the game today, they’d buy it in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t be connecting the Switch to the internet for a week though, or sharing pics with Reggie. Never mind his special skills, he’s one big fella!
GC: It depends how they go it. We doubt they’re just walking into GAME and hoping they put them on the shelves early. But you’re right; if any retailer has sold it knowingly then they should make their peace now.
It’s dead, Jim
I found the Street Fighter 6 demo on Xbox and, even though I’m sure I’ll keep my 100% streak of being terrible at Street Fighter games, I can tell I’m going to enjoy World Tour!
On a different topic, I was sad to see Marvel’s Midnight Suns on Switch has been cancelled. I was holding out for that version because of the portability, but I’ll just take the plunge on Xbox. Give it what little support I can at this stage.
FoximusPrime81 (gamertag/NN ID/Twitter)
Marvel Snap
Marvel’s Midnight Suns never had a chance, really. Firstly, the name doesn’t mean anything to anyone that hasn’t read the relevant comic(s)? As a MCU fan but not a comic reader I can count myself in that category. Then there’s the choice of characters, in particular the promotional stuff, which seemed to lean quite heavily on Doctor Strange. While not derided quite as much as Star-Lord for his choices in Infinity War, he’s still not the most popular character of the MCU.
But lastly, and’s most importantly, is the gameplay choice. When I first read about Marvel XCOM I was ready to pre-order. But then I read it was actually a card deck building thing and my interest evaporated instantly. Even your glowing review couldn’t sway me – I get that it’s difficult to describe but it just doesn’t sound very good, at least not to me and apparently quite a lot of other people. Card games just don’t interest me in the slightest, even Marvel ones. Sorry.
GC: It’s not a card game, the cards are just the way the abilities are displayed and selected. It’s a full-on turn-based strategy game and cleverly unique in its design and systems.
Inbox also-rans
Just been on the PSN store and the PlayStation 5 upgrade for Spider-Man Remastered is £5, which seems sensibly priced and reasonable.
I believe the Metal Gear Solid remake rumour purely because it’s dumb to start with that one. Konami are also dumb, therefore it’s probably true.
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Cabal, who asks how often do you buy a video game as soon as it comes out?
Do you always buy games you’re interested in day one or do you always wait until they’re cheaper or the bugs have been worked out? If you take it on a case-by-case basis what is it that influences your decision the most and do things like pre-orders bonuses make a difference?
Price is one obvious reason not to buy a game straight away, but what else puts you off and how have you made your recent decisions, including for upcoming games like Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom?
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The Friday letters page advises not upsetting Nintendo’s lawyers, as one reader explains why he didn’t buy Marvel’s Midnight Suns.Â