Weekend Hot Topic: Your most anticipated video game ever
Readers reveal the games they got the most hyped about before release, from Halo 2 to Resident Evil 4.
The Guardian leads on comments from the UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres, who has warned that the era of global warming has ended and the “era of global boiling has arrived”.
The front page also has a story about the Nigerian women’s football team celebrating beating Australia during the Women’s World Cup. The paper also has a picture of Sinead O’Connor – who died yesterday at the age of 56.
Readers reveal the games they got the most hyped about before release, from Halo 2 to Resident Evil 4.
When will the truth be revealed?
The right opportunity may seem boring, but could lead to big rewards.
Being unable to mear meant Lawand’s journey to the UK hidden in the back of a lorry, was even more terrifying for the young boy
Other sponsors could follow suit of the shirt sponsor approve such plans.
A man plunged from a balcony of Disney’s Contemporary Resort near Orlando, Florida.
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