El Mundo – Spain is already leading the increase in immigration by sea in the EU
Between today and Thursday, President
Pedro Sánchez will embark on a tour of Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal to try to stem the crisis of cayucos to the Canary Islands by signing more circular migration agreements and improving the functioning of returns.
Government sources admit that a complicated and hot autumn lies ahead. Spain has already surpassed Italy as the EU’s major migration challenge because it leads the increase in irregular immigration by sea. The Canary Islands are the destination of the maritime route that has grown the most in 2024, according to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), which in its latest report points to a change in migratory flows: so far this year, clandestine crossings to Italy have been halted by 65% while arrivals on the Canary Islands’ coasts have skyrocketed by 115% .