Find out if you’ll receive the financial help (Picture: Getty)
Thousands of households will receive a £400 energy bill discount in October to help combat the rising cost of living.
The £400 rebate money will be paid in six installments starting this month, with a discount of £66 applied to energy bills in October and November, and £67 a month from December to March 2023.
Renters are entitled to the £400 energy bills discount – whether you pay the bills directly, or if your bills are included in your rent.
Tenants were previously excluded from the help, though the package was extended to help renters and those in park homes last month.
Charities had previously warned that all-inclusive renters, whose bills are paid by their landlords, could miss out on this discount.
However, the Government has confirmed new laws as part of the Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS) ensuring buy-to-let landlords with all-inclusive tenants pass on the £400 energy rebate.
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The legislation was introduced after Citizen’s Advice warned 585,000 households were ‘at the mercy of their landlords’, as the discount was handed straight to the billpayer.
Dame Clare Moriaty, chief executive of Citizens Advice previously said: ‘It’s vital the government support reaches the people it’s intended for.
‘We’re worried that many tenants are falling through the cracks, putting them at risk of missing out on money to help them with soaring bills.
‘The government should also bring forward clear guidance for landlords to make sure tenants don’t miss out on the upcoming £400 energy grant.’
Approximately 13% of private renters pay their energy bills as part of their monthly rent to landlords.
The help is designed to help combat rising energy costs (Picture: Getty Images)
How you receive the rebate will depend on how you pay your bill and which energy supplier you are with.
If you pay your bills directly, then you could receive an automatic deduction to your bills, or you may pay them as normal and then receive cashback or credit.
If your bills are included in your rent then your landlord will either pass you the money or reduce your bills – you should talk to your landlord to find out how you will receive our discount.
MORE : Energy prices: Is electricity cheaper at night and when is off-peak?
MORE : Moving house this winter? Here’s what will happen to your £400 energy discount
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Find out if you’re entitled to the help.Â