Britons have been urged to check if they are eligible for the discount (Picture: Getty)
The cost of living crisis is affecting households across the UK with more and more Britons struggling to make ends meet.
A number of schemes have been put in place to help with the rising costs of, well, everything, including bills.
Thousands of households may find that they’re missing out on the extra money they’re owed, including a one-off £150 payment to help with higher bills.
The Warm Home Discount (WHD) runs annually and offers money to those in need to help keep their homes heated over the coldest months of the year.
If you claim certain benefits you may be able to claim the extra energy bill help this winter – and it’s quick and simple to check.
There is an eligibility checker available on the Government website, but it is currently out of use until October 2023.
Those that claim eligible benefits will automatically receive the £150 WHD after a change to the scheme in 2022 means you no longer have to apply.
The Warm Home Discount helps to ease the strain of bills as temperatures drop (Picture: Getty Images)
While the payment is made by energy suppliers in October, the period that you qualify for the benefit is sooner.
The government has not yet revealed the cut-off date for 2023 for those eligible to be considered, but last year it was August 21.
If you live in England or Wales, Gov.UK lists two criteria to meet in order to qualify for the warm home discount:
You receive the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit
You are on a low income and have high energy costs
Aside from this, if you claim these benefits, you will receive the discount:
Child tax credits
Housing benefit
Income support
Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
Income-related employment and support allowance
Support for Mortgage Interest
Universal Credit
Working tax credits
You don’t need to apply for the discount if you’re eligible (Picture: Getty Images/Westend61)
If you claim Universal Credit, you must also meet one or more of three other criteria, including having a child aged five or under, having a disabled child, or having a disability.
If you live in Scotland, the above criteria also apply, but you can also qualify by meeting your energy supplier’s criteria for the scheme.
The Government website states that the money from the scheme is not paid to you – it’s a one-off discount on your electricity bill.
It additionally says that you may be able to apply the discount on your gas bill instead if your supplier provides you with both gas and electricity and that you should contact your supplier for more information.
You can still qualify for the discount if you use a pre-pay or pay-as-you-go electricity meter, with Britons told to contact their energy supplier for more information.
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Thousands could be losing out on this bonus.Â