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Daily Mirror - Tory MPs: Quit now

Summary of the front page

Three Conservative MPs have publicly called for the prime minister to quit, the Daily Mirror reports.

The paper has a clear message for the prime minister – “Quit now.” The three MPs – Mr Blunt, Jamie Wallis and Andrew Bridgen went public with their calls for Liz Truss to resign. 

Mr Wallis said the government had “undermined Britain’s economic credibility” with its minibudget and fractured the Conservative Party “irreparably” the paper notes. 

The Mirror’s front page also has room for TV presenter Davina McCall, who’s promoting her new book about menopause support. 

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Daily Mirror - Tory MPs: Quit now

Daily Mirror – Tory MPs: Quit now

Daily Mirror – Tory MPs: Quit now Summary of the front page Three Conservative MPs have publicly called for the prime minister to quit, the Daily Mirror reports. The paper has a clear message for the prime minister – “Quit now.” The three MPs – Mr Blunt, Jamie Wallis and Andrew Bridgen went public with their calls for Liz Truss to resign.  Mr Wallis said the government had “undermined Britain’s economic credibility” with its minibudget and

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